TSLA and Electric Hybrid Cadillac
TSLA and Electric Hybrid Cadillac# Stock
Detroit automakers are showing their weaknesses:
1. they acknowledge the initial market for EV should be highend, now putting
EV in their flagship line
2. they sill are not able make a pure plugin EV that is marketable
3. why would anyone in their right mind pay the same price for a hybrid
Cadillac vs an Escalade or a model S? Do basketball players or drug dealers
care that much about MPG?
The whole MPG thing is not justified by today's price difference between a
EV vs a regular car.
You paying an extra $30K or more for an EV, how long does it take for you to
recover this $30K?
Exactly, pure EV can not build on top of MPG/environment as core competitive
advantage. Detroit is still trying that with hybrid luxury cars


【在 r*m 的大作中提到】
: The whole MPG thing is not justified by today's price difference between a
: EV vs a regular car.
: You paying an extra $30K or more for an EV, how long does it take for you to
: recover this $30K?

your information is very out-dated. from price perspective, model-s is very
comparable with other luxury cars after incentive and car pool privilege.
the new nissan leaf is attractive and may break even after 4-5 years driving
for long commuter.


【在 r*m 的大作中提到】
: The whole MPG thing is not justified by today's price difference between a
: EV vs a regular car.
: You paying an extra $30K or more for an EV, how long does it take for you to
: recover this $30K?

but model-s is not a luxury car.
break even after 4-5 years doesn't sounds attractive to me at all.
If I want to buy a "unconventional" car, I need one of the two:
1. save money: pay about same as the conventional car and then save on the
2. killer applications: such as google's auto drive car. If I can take a
nap on the high way, I would be happy to a little extra money for that.
The current EV satisfy neither.


【在 s******v 的大作中提到】
: your information is very out-dated. from price perspective, model-s is very
: comparable with other luxury cars after incentive and car pool privilege.
: the new nissan leaf is attractive and may break even after 4-5 years driving
: for long commuter.
: to

good points

【在 r*m 的大作中提到】
: but model-s is not a luxury car.
: break even after 4-5 years doesn't sounds attractive to me at all.
: If I want to buy a "unconventional" car, I need one of the two:
: 1. save money: pay about same as the conventional car and then save on the
: gas.
: 2. killer applications: such as google's auto drive car. If I can take a
: nap on the high way, I would be happy to a little extra money for that.
: The current EV satisfy neither.
: very

Have Electric Cars Already Reached The Tipping Point? ABB Says Yes

【在 r*m 的大作中提到】
: but model-s is not a luxury car.
: break even after 4-5 years doesn't sounds attractive to me at all.
: If I want to buy a "unconventional" car, I need one of the two:
: 1. save money: pay about same as the conventional car and then save on the
: gas.
: 2. killer applications: such as google's auto drive car. If I can take a
: nap on the high way, I would be happy to a little extra money for that.
: The current EV satisfy neither.
: very

Consumer Report: model S is the best car ever, so much ahead of the direct
competitor Porsche Panamera
NFTSA: Model S is the safest sedan ever.
Motor Trend: Car of the year, quickest sedan ever build. Sports car like
agility and responsiveness. 0-60 mph in 4.0 seconds.
Yes the replacement battery costs 12k now but even with that the over
starting price is 57+12 = 69, less than 70k before tax breaks. Also, they
say the replacement battery will cost around 3k by 2020 when you actually
need to replace it.
The other parts of a pure EV, particularly the engine(s), will last a lot
longer than a traditional car.
Model S of course is a luxury sedan, winning awards left and right in that
segment. My guess is most buyers are attracted by its quality as a car, not
by MPG. Let's focus on the fire thing for now and see how it turns out.

【在 r*m 的大作中提到】
: but model-s is not a luxury car.
: break even after 4-5 years doesn't sounds attractive to me at all.
: If I want to buy a "unconventional" car, I need one of the two:
: 1. save money: pay about same as the conventional car and then save on the
: gas.
: 2. killer applications: such as google's auto drive car. If I can take a
: nap on the high way, I would be happy to a little extra money for that.
: The current EV satisfy neither.
: very

Tesla 的电池cost是$200s/kWh,别的EV电池cost是$400s/kWh 。。