我来拉个偏架哈 (English Version)
我来拉个偏架哈 (English Version)# Stock
Professor and nothing there is commodity does not deal with the
Professor Heifer made a few little red flower is known, well-written, are
concerned about old-fashioned,
Nothing is a joke, I mean, I knew a few years ago, when the commodity is
share many experiences in layout view
Waiting to see
I am very confident nothing he commodity believes that to be loved
Professor also believe it is not wicked, professors say frog deserves it, I
think that mentality is not good, said he was deeply hurt
Is a joke, think is inappropriate but is also estimated to be the cesspit.
Professor paradox here is the sharing of experiences to guide frogs,
Sharing and mentoring are two different things, sharing almost harmless
guide when nothing felt the need to have a track record
Transfer market can play is not easy, so many people are so painstakingly
research the market, such as rain, autumn moon, bobobobo
A lot of
C beautiful is guided when I catch up with the fall of Lehman, a malicious
bash wrong being in good faith.
My understanding is largely based on nothing, if the operation, such as the
EMINI, than after his little, (limited to a
Two of the contract), so he's worth down to remind professors so misled the
frog, I do not feel uncomfortable.
Or if guidance is confident, or clear way to express a clear view operation,
so as to avoid a vague
Do you think say, people think is anti-that. Son of the previous suggestion
is if the Professor is willing to, use real money to teach
Practice of granting to use real account followed that views on these large
or "guidance" will bring in revenue.
Others may have little, many good intentions ended up not helping. I felt
myself a temporary pheasant
Everyone (Renn) information better, and finally became a big joke. Pick with
nothing to make money many people
Come on, nothing might as well not to pendulum guide figure.
About face-saving, Professor is a good thing about face-saving who cherished
his reputation, I think professors are on this valuable, but for
Negative comments or reminders may also look at the possibility of myself
there enough or too
In confidence subject themselves too high?
Post account than a lot of vague or specific operations give rise to
subsequent claims are disputed in much better shape. Says here clearly
And arguably, may be the main noted that commodity.
For share, I agree with the views of Professor, sharing of much better than
bash, risked being bash do the wrong horse
Cannon's share is even more valuable.
Professor at PRIM under such a complex environment to keep Sven is very
noble, if we can refrain from not commenting on market
Jiaqiangdaibang is a frog-Zambia.
Finally if the professor could not agree, that I would also recommend the
Professor nothing firm offers following the operation,
Performance to prove that, if everyone has to think less, actually is a rare
guide expert,
Come out, nothing natural disrespectful also will apologize to the Professor
, I would have sided with the Professor threw nothing at that time few
If you can't do, so nothing's firm followed the loss of money, do not hang