2 楼
YTD 50% == 不行?
3 楼
TSLA's YTD is 80% in February. It all went downhill from there. TSLA is a
momentum stock. Compared to other momentum stocks like NFLX, FB which can
continue making new highs, I don't see much momentum in TSLA.
momentum stock. Compared to other momentum stocks like NFLX, FB which can
continue making new highs, I don't see much momentum in TSLA.
4 楼
Tesla is a “once in a lifetime” disruptor to the car industry and this
justifies its premium valuation.
justifies its premium valuation.
我知道为什么今天涨了(世界很可怕)Apple 瞬间被四大家族干趴下了感觉这里很多五毛的帖子这一战大家打得很辛苦,我们休息5天再战原来拿B2签证也可以做川粉,继罗军之后川粉人设再次崩塌 (转载)从反SCA5到Pelosi再任议长,五年弹指一挥间 (转载)危险,寡头将借川普贸易战制造金融危机青蛙日志(1)- 性格决定操作川普最喜欢的华人,就是罗军那样的! (转载)金融寡头正制造全球大危机 特朗普或成“替罪羊”(图) ZTSHY TLTBBG: China Has a Dangerous Dollar Debt Addiction (转载)loxo盘后又跳水了,真是太神奇下周危险一个国家是否被异族窃国和掌控,只须看政府如何对待主体民族。 (转载)好奇评论员怎么精分得如此潇洒自如下周开盘肯定稀里哗啦一地的零碎儿特斯拉的量 我的天没人说说中国降准的居然有人說我智商有問題