RadioShack马上要关门了 (转载)
RadioShack马上要关门了 (转载)# Stock
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发信人: sweetbug (正牌网站买买提首席侦探), 信区: Living
标 题: RadioShack马上要关门了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 31 15:39:11 2014, 美东)
我的天, 这个连锁店居然还活着
现在每股六毛钱, 比菌斑廊坊五毛居然还多一毛
RadioShack's days are numbered
By Chris Isidore @CNNMoney July 31, 2014: 3:18 PM ET
RadioShack's future is about as bright as the VHS tapes it used to sell.
The chain of 4,000 stores has just $62 million in cash left - a figure that
is rapidly approaching zero. Things are so dire that it actually doesn't
have enough money to close the 1,100 locations management says it needs to
Investors, credit rating agencies and the company''s lenders seem to be in
agreement that RadioShack's days are numbered.
Even the company's own Super Bowl ad mocked its stores for being decades out
of date.
"They have been irrelevant for a long time," said Robin Lewis, CEO of The
Robin Report, a retail strategy newsletter. "If they're not the sickest
patient in ICU, they're minutes away from being rolled in."
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Last month research firm B. Riley & Co. made the unusual move of cutting its
price target for RadioShack (RSH) shares from $1 a share -- to $0. Shares
of RadioShack (RSH) , hit a record low of 62 cents Thursday after Moody's
said it expects RadioShack to run out cash by Fall of 2015.
"A significant turnaround has to happen for them to survive. But we haven't
seen any evidence of a turnaround yet," Moody's analyst Mickey Chadha told
CNNMoney. Moody's now has RadioShack debt only two short steps above a
default rating. And it will probably be cut further.
Related: Autopsy of America - Photos of dead shopping malls
In March the chain announced plans to close over 1,000 stores, about one out
of every five. But its lenders refused to give RadioShack the cash it
needed to do so on terms the chain could afford, so instead it announced
plans to close only 200 stores.
That's forcing the company to burn cash even more quickly.
"That 1,100 store closing plan was in essence saying they don't have the
capital to manage 4,000-plus stores," said Chadha. "But the lenders are
taking a dim view of the turnaround themselves and positioning themselves
for liquidation."