IB的option怎么exercise啊# Stock
1 楼
新手:买了个call 今天expire 昨天我点了exercise
然后今天有个那个orders里面有个惊叹号 写“Cancelled by the System: you have
not got the number of options requested to be exercised”
然后我今天又submit了一个order 那个orders里显示"exercise request is
transmitted to the clearing house"
我这样做对吗?这个option 是in money, 而且我也确实打算建仓,可是不知道要怎么弄
然后今天有个那个orders里面有个惊叹号 写“Cancelled by the System: you have
not got the number of options requested to be exercised”
然后我今天又submit了一个order 那个orders里显示"exercise request is
transmitted to the clearing house"
我这样做对吗?这个option 是in money, 而且我也确实打算建仓,可是不知道要怎么弄