Bless. My situation is similar to yours and I am currently on short term disability leave. It really depends on the policy of your company. My company does not have maternity leave. Instead, all medical conditions that require more than five days absence may qualify for STD leave.
这个脐带扭结发生的几率不大,但是发生了就很难避免。如果一定的周数以后能感觉到 胎动,可以大致由胎动多少来判断。我是周四例行检查的时候听不到心跳,就去照B超 ,发现已经没有心跳了。B超没照出来,引玩完产才发现是脐带扭结。我自己一点感觉 都没有的。上次检查的时候还一切正常。 护士说,except for the twisted cord, everything is perfect. 小手小脚都清清楚 楚,是个男孩。现在心里好痛,要不再个五个月就儿女双全了。sigh.