F-1 student参考这个: http://www.irs.gov/Individuals/International-Taxpayers/The-Taxa These capital gains would be reported on page 4 (not page 1) of Form 1040NR and would not be reported on a Schedule D because they are being taxed at a flat rate of 30 percent or at a reduced flat rate under a tax treaty. 估计与中国的treaty不包含capital gain免税,可以查一下。
div( 原来是这样!太感谢了! 还有点小疑问。。。能不能请大牛帮忙解答一下? 我看到1040NR中 income connected with US 和income not connected with US 是分 开的。。但是NREZ貌似没有income not connected with US,这个是因为我没有添加 1099-b,所以glacier不生产么? 还是说glacier只能把1099-b的钱算成 connected with US? 因为看到NEC表了,感觉,应该是算成not connected with US的。。。但是还是想跟大 牛确认一下。。。 非常感谢!