奥巴马教你美国政治# Stock
First, Andrew Breitbart mysteriously dies just before he was going to
release videos about Obama’s college shenanigans. They announced that he
died of natural causes at the age of 43--even before an autopsy was
conducted! Now, Steve Bridges (Obama’s impersonator who Obama hated)
mysteriously dies three days later. Again, they announced that this Obama
impersonator died of natural causes at the age of 48--even before an autopsy
was conducted! Who's next? Will it be Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Arizona
Governor Jan Brewer? Sheriff Arpio is conducting an investigation on the
veracity of Obama's birth certificate, which have been proven to be a
forgery and a fraud. Governor Brewer wrote in her book, Scorpions for
Breakfast, about Obama. He was thoroughly ticked off about what she wrote.
Apparently, he is awfully thin-skinned.
So, when is the FBI going to connect the dots and arrest Obama and his
Chicago gangsters? They are out to kill everyone on their Enemies List. This
is the Clinton trail of alleged murders all over again. We must put a stop
to all of the killing of those who stand in their paths. Should they get
Arpaio and Brewer next, it will be enough proof to make an arrest of the
usurper and dictator in the White House.
These are the alleged deaths connected in some way or another to Barack
Obama. The lame-stream media (LSM) will never investigate, report, and give
credence to any of them as the LSM are lapdogs of the Obama administration.
The Democrats would never rat on Obama. The Republicans are too afraid to
investigate and discuss any of these deaths. is paid by George
Soros and is a lapdog of the Obama administration, so don’t expect anything
factual and corroborative coming from them. Therefore, none of these deaths
get the kind of investigation that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is giving to Obama’s
birth certificate, which has been proven to be a forgery and a fraud. That
’s why speculation that Arpio’s death is coming—as is Arizona Governor
Jan Brewer, who also offended Obama in her recent book, Scorpions for
The Obama Death List
The following is a partial list of deaths of persons connected to Barack
HUSSEIN Obama during his time inside the United States. Read the list and
judge the preponderance of evidence for yourself…
SARAH BERKLEY – Author of “The Jihad at the Ballot Box” – a book
examining Obama’s relationship with radical Islam. Died in a mysterious car
crash in 2003.
RUSSELL MCDOUGAL – Former FBI operative, January 23rd, 2007. McDougal was
known to hold sensitive information about meetings Barack Obama had with
arms smugglers. His wife was murdered March 2006 after he went public with
his initial reports. His father died July 8, 2006 four hours after McDougal
presented his findings on the Savage Nation (Dr. Michael Savage talk show
host). Suffered administrative retaliation after reporting discussions by
jihadist groups concerning Obama to his superiors.
RODRIGO VILLALOPEZ, a television news camera man who shot the footage of
Obama describing small town voters as “bitter” and “clinging to their
guns” during the primary season.
BRIAN GORING – A defense attorney for Obama patron Antoin “Tony” Rezko
during his trial for extortion and bribery. Died of apparent “natural
MERCEDES HUGLEY, one of Obama’s many white, female conquests while at
Harvard. Filed sexual assault charges against Obama for date rape in 1990.
Because “date rape” was not considered a crime like it is today, she ended
up dropping the charges. Two years later, she was found dead of an apparent
cocaine overdose.
TAMIKA HILL – A former secretary for Obama’s office in Chicago was
murdered July 6, 2005 at a rib shack in the south side. Hill had spoken off
the record with a reporter from the Chicago Sun Times about meetings Obama
had with black militants in the city. She was murdered before she could ever
be properly interviewed.
HASAD AL SHAREEZ – FBI informant. Reported to his handler in January 2001
that he had a tape about of a person named simply “B. Hussein” meeting
with 9/11 hijacker Mohatma Atta in Prague. Was found shot in the basement of
a mosque in Dearborn, MI in October, 2001.
DARSANO RAHARDJO – Childhood classmate of Barack Obama when he attended a
madrassa in Indonesia. Was found with his head cut off in a Jakarta alley
way in 1970. Many children at the school attributed Rahardjo’s murder to
the young Barack Obama. It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since
Islam demands that a boy spill another’s blood before the age of ten to
prove their loyalty to Allah.
REVEREND DAVID MANNING – Former head of the Trinity Baptist Church in
Chicago. Was murdered during the apparent robbery of a catfish restaurant in
1972. Shortly afterwards, Rev. Jeremiah Wright took over as head of Trinity
and many parishioners (who later left the church) suspected Wright in
having a hand in Reverend Manning’s death. Decades later, Manning’s son
JAMAL MANNING was found dead of an apparent crack overdose in 2004. It was
rumored he was going to bring evidence of Wright’s complicity in his father
’s death. His testimony was timed to coincide with Obama’s first senate
CHRISTOPHER HARGROVE, A former lover of Larry Sinclair. Found dead in a
hotel room of apparent auto-erotic asphyxiation in January 2001. Was said to
have been enraged when he found out that Sinclair had cheated on Jackson
with Obama in the back of a limousine. To get revenge, Jackson planned to
release digital pictures Sinclair had taken of the encounter on the Internet.
PAUL ROTHCHILD – Democrat National Committee Political Director found dead
in a hotel room in Washington DC in 2003. A “friend and trusted advisor”
to senatorial candidate Barack Obama. Dead of an apparent suicide.
CURTIS “POOKIE” JACKSON – Chicago drug dealer. Was the subject of a
police investigation in which he was suspected of funneling money to Obama’
s many various community projects. Killed in 1998 in an apparent gang murder.
HARVEY KENYON – Head of Obama’s senatorial security team in Chicago.
Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside of Grant Park in
2005. Kenyon’s son said his father was building a dossier on Obama. He
allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died, the files
were mysteriously removed from his house.
SHEILA BAUGH – A Washington DC madam. Died from a gunshot wound. Reported
to have a black book of people containing names of influential people who
visited the prostitutes in her brothel. One of those names was allegedly
Barack Obama.
KEYSHAWN “SPOON” CALWORTH – Was found dead of an apparent heroin overdose
May 18, 1997. Was reported to have ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
LAWSHAWNA MARTIN- 26 year old mother of five, a Cabrini Green resident with
a history of substance abuse. Told two of her co-workers at the Blue
Peppermint Gentleman’s Club that she would have to quit work because she
was pregnant again. Strongly implied that the “baby daddy” was Barack
Obama. The next week, she was reported missing. No body was ever recovered,
but Lawshana has not resurfaced since making those remarks.
BILL FERGUSON- Senior aide to Barack Obama. Found dead of an apparent heart
GANDY BAUGH – Attorney for Obama friend Antonin “Tony” Rezko died by
falling out an eightieth story window of the Hancock Tower, January, 2003.
His client was a convicted Chinese spy.
DONALD YOUNG and LARRY BLAND - Two gay members of Trinity United Church of
Christ who were both murdered in late 2007. No one has ever been arrested.
Young's mother believes Donald was murdered because of what he knew about
KAM KUWATA - A Democrat strategist who witnessed Obama high on drugs
backstage at the Democrat National Convention in Denver in 2008. Kuwata also
uncovered a scheme in California involving laundering of campaign funds.
Kuwata, in his 40s, was found dead of "natural causes." No autopsy was
performed, although he had no known health problems.
ANDREW BREITBART – Well-known and respected conservative who had planned to
release videos on March 1, 2012, of Obama college escapades mysteriously
died on March 1, 2012, at the young age of 43. The death was claimed to be
allegedly by natural causes even though an autopsy was not yet performed. He
called Sheriff Joe Arpaio by phone 4-5 hours prior to his death. Breitbart
was on a walk near his home in the evening when he collapsed and died as
reported by an unidentified witness.
STEVE BRIDGES – Impersonator of Obama who Obama disliked immensely because
he felt that Bridges offended him. Mysteriously, he appeared to have died of
natural causes just two days after Andrew Breitbart’s death also by
natural causes. The autopsy had not yet been performed on Bridges, yet he
died of natural causes.
The Bill and Hillary Clinton’s death trail is much longer (up to 50). None
were also given any kind of thorough, objective scrutiny to pin the Clinton
’s to any of them. Again, they were protected by the Democrats, Republicans
, LSM,, and the Clinton administration. Nobody hanged the
Clintons. Nobody will hang Obama or all of the criminals in the Obama
administration. How long are we all going to tolerate these crimes and
injustices? Probably forever.