油重大利空:伊朗增加油产量 (转载)
油重大利空:伊朗增加油产量 (转载)# Stock
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发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: x3
标 题: 油重大利空:伊朗增加油产量
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 23 18:54:03 2015, 美东)
Iran to Raise Oil Output ‘at Any Cost’ to Defend Market Share
Iran plans to raise oil production “at any cost” to defend the country’s
market share and joins calls for an emergency OPEC meeting to help shore up
crude prices.
“We will be raising our oil production at any cost and we have no other
alternative,” said Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, according to his
ministry’s news website Shana. “If Iran’s oil production hike is not done
promptly, we will be losing our market share permanently.”
Iran had the second-biggest output in the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries before U.S.-led sanctions banning the purchase,
transport, finance and insuring of its crude began July 2012. Oil producers
such as BP Plc and Royal Dutch Shell Plc have expressed interest in
developing its reserves, the world’s fourth-biggest, once sanctions are
Zanganeh was speaking during the first visit by a British foreign secretary
to Iran since 2003. Philip Hammond was accompanied by officials from Shell
and BP during his visit to reopen the U.K. embassy, four years after it was
shut down following a mob attack, marking the improvement in relations since
July’s nuclear accord.
Shell will pay a debt of $2.3 billion that the company wasn’t able to pay
Iran for because of the sanctions “immediately” after the restrictions are
lifted, Zanganeh said. BP was one of the “good customers” of Iran’s
crude before the sanctions and is also expected to take measures to buy
Iranian oil in t he future, he said, according to Shana.
Iran backed calls for an emergency OPEC meeting to be held earlier than the
oil producing group’s next session on Dec. 4.
“Iran endorses an emergency OPEC meeting and would not disagree with it,”
Zanganeh said. A meeting would “be effective” in halting oil’s decline,
he said.