2 楼
1。day trade only
3。1随波逐流 在最近每天上下幅度大的市场,顺势而为,赚一把就走。stop
limit 设紧点,设在关键点位外一点。
3。2预判大势 每次操作前要预判市场方向,以及震动幅度。预测涨建议开盘就
入,预测跌一有跌势就入。stop limit开始tight,有利润后可以适当放松。如果大势
入点影响stop limit,UVXY上下抖动很厉害,0。5%以上是常态。如果不是盘前,
出点要么是stop limit触发,要么是利润已经不错。建议设两个stop limit:一个
是硬数字到了一定stop out;一个是心理数字,到了后就时刻准备找个抖动中的好价格
1。day trade only
3。1随波逐流 在最近每天上下幅度大的市场,顺势而为,赚一把就走。stop
limit 设紧点,设在关键点位外一点。
3。2预判大势 每次操作前要预判市场方向,以及震动幅度。预测涨建议开盘就
入,预测跌一有跌势就入。stop limit开始tight,有利润后可以适当放松。如果大势
入点影响stop limit,UVXY上下抖动很厉害,0。5%以上是常态。如果不是盘前,
出点要么是stop limit触发,要么是利润已经不错。建议设两个stop limit:一个
是硬数字到了一定stop out;一个是心理数字,到了后就时刻准备找个抖动中的好价格
4 楼
【在 s****h 的大作中提到】
: 低手胡说几句:
: 少量搞搞,或者模拟账户搞UVXY,培养一下操作和市场感觉,其实挺好的。
: 如果真要上量,切记
: 1。day trade only
: 2。要有很强的危机意识。
: 如果要long,要意识到现在的点位很高了,long它还不如short指数。
: 如果要short,要意识到市场猛跌时它会涨得吓死人。
: 危险信号包括:和所持有仓位相反的大盘猛涨/跌;大盘不怎么动,和所持有仓
: 位相反的volatility涨跌;前二者1+1>2
: 3。操作方式有两种
【在 s****h 的大作中提到】
: 低手胡说几句:
: 少量搞搞,或者模拟账户搞UVXY,培养一下操作和市场感觉,其实挺好的。
: 如果真要上量,切记
: 1。day trade only
: 2。要有很强的危机意识。
: 如果要long,要意识到现在的点位很高了,long它还不如short指数。
: 如果要short,要意识到市场猛跌时它会涨得吓死人。
: 危险信号包括:和所持有仓位相反的大盘猛涨/跌;大盘不怎么动,和所持有仓
: 位相反的volatility涨跌;前二者1+1>2
: 3。操作方式有两种
6 楼
1。 不要因为和自己大市预判断方向相反,使得价格显得更加吸引人就忍不住。看看最
2。 不要因为赚了就急着出来,看看最近的日图,一整天单边走势也不少。
1。 不要因为和自己大市预判断方向相反,使得价格显得更加吸引人就忍不住。看看最
2。 不要因为赚了就急着出来,看看最近的日图,一整天单边走势也不少。
10 楼
Yahoo finance uvxy 版的一个id写的,60w$ short uvxy见外婆了
sosa_k_king • Sep 16, 2015 12:17 PM
0users liked this postsusers disliked this posts0Reply
UVXY short- my tale of misery
I've been getting some counseling sessions about this and it was suggested I
might feel better airing this out, and maybe stopping someone else from
being as dumb as I was (sort of like drunk drivers are made to do sometimes).
So. Several years ago I was laid off. I had a decent severance package as
well as some savings. Couldn't find a job, so I took 50K and began trading
with it. Mostly shorting the VXX/UVXY pair, but sometimes buying puts. Fast
forward several years, and it's up to 600K account. Obviously not huge, but
pretty important for me as I still was struggling to find work.
Well. I was all in cash the week before the lock limit down. I decided I
would short 5K UVXY at 25. So far so good, right? Only 20% of account. Then
the big move happens on Friday and I short 10K at 40. Clearly insane in
retrospect, but the VIX futures were low 20s at that point which is where
they had always collapsed recently.
So I am short 15K at that point, cost basis is 35 or so. Thought about
covering in 41 area after hours on that Friday, had kind of a bad feeling
but I chose to ignore it.
Monday it goes to 73 at the open. My account value shows $30K. I panic, but
decide I will hold on for the retreat. And... guess what? Forced liquidation
. They do have the legal right to do this but I didn't expect it would
happen, I thought they would wait for the end of the day.
Had I been able to hold on to now, account value instead of 30K would be
500K. And I figure a year out, UVXY will be maybe $2 or $3 or possibly less,
and I would be up over 1 million. So... 30K instead of a likely $1 million.
I know it's not that unusual of a story as people get killed in the markets
all the time but still... how about them apples? I have receded somewhat
from a state of shock and have been reading some amazing stories about
people who have built up million dollar accounts and lost the entire thing
not once but in some cases several times. Can you even imagine? Less
【在 s****h 的大作中提到】
: 低手胡说几句:
: 少量搞搞,或者模拟账户搞UVXY,培养一下操作和市场感觉,其实挺好的。
: 如果真要上量,切记
: 1。day trade only
: 2。要有很强的危机意识。
: 如果要long,要意识到现在的点位很高了,long它还不如short指数。
: 如果要short,要意识到市场猛跌时它会涨得吓死人。
: 危险信号包括:和所持有仓位相反的大盘猛涨/跌;大盘不怎么动,和所持有仓
: 位相反的volatility涨跌;前二者1+1>2
: 3。操作方式有两种
sosa_k_king • Sep 16, 2015 12:17 PM
0users liked this postsusers disliked this posts0Reply
UVXY short- my tale of misery
I've been getting some counseling sessions about this and it was suggested I
might feel better airing this out, and maybe stopping someone else from
being as dumb as I was (sort of like drunk drivers are made to do sometimes).
So. Several years ago I was laid off. I had a decent severance package as
well as some savings. Couldn't find a job, so I took 50K and began trading
with it. Mostly shorting the VXX/UVXY pair, but sometimes buying puts. Fast
forward several years, and it's up to 600K account. Obviously not huge, but
pretty important for me as I still was struggling to find work.
Well. I was all in cash the week before the lock limit down. I decided I
would short 5K UVXY at 25. So far so good, right? Only 20% of account. Then
the big move happens on Friday and I short 10K at 40. Clearly insane in
retrospect, but the VIX futures were low 20s at that point which is where
they had always collapsed recently.
So I am short 15K at that point, cost basis is 35 or so. Thought about
covering in 41 area after hours on that Friday, had kind of a bad feeling
but I chose to ignore it.
Monday it goes to 73 at the open. My account value shows $30K. I panic, but
decide I will hold on for the retreat. And... guess what? Forced liquidation
. They do have the legal right to do this but I didn't expect it would
happen, I thought they would wait for the end of the day.
Had I been able to hold on to now, account value instead of 30K would be
500K. And I figure a year out, UVXY will be maybe $2 or $3 or possibly less,
and I would be up over 1 million. So... 30K instead of a likely $1 million.
I know it's not that unusual of a story as people get killed in the markets
all the time but still... how about them apples? I have receded somewhat
from a state of shock and have been reading some amazing stories about
people who have built up million dollar accounts and lost the entire thing
not once but in some cases several times. Can you even imagine? Less
【在 s****h 的大作中提到】
: 低手胡说几句:
: 少量搞搞,或者模拟账户搞UVXY,培养一下操作和市场感觉,其实挺好的。
: 如果真要上量,切记
: 1。day trade only
: 2。要有很强的危机意识。
: 如果要long,要意识到现在的点位很高了,long它还不如short指数。
: 如果要short,要意识到市场猛跌时它会涨得吓死人。
: 危险信号包括:和所持有仓位相反的大盘猛涨/跌;大盘不怎么动,和所持有仓
: 位相反的volatility涨跌;前二者1+1>2
: 3。操作方式有两种
11 楼
就是在银行办网银的时候 填的号码
13 楼
谢谢分享,说的真好,DT only!
14 楼
21 楼
22 楼
位short uvxy,还拿着空仓过周末,uvxy几天就能翻倍或者腰斩,他这样都能从30k折
【在 w*b 的大作中提到】
: Yahoo finance uvxy 版的一个id写的,60w$ short uvxy见外婆了
: sosa_k_king • Sep 16, 2015 12:17 PM
: 0users liked this postsusers disliked this posts0Reply
: UVXY short- my tale of misery
: I've been getting some counseling sessions about this and it was suggested I
: might feel better airing this out, and maybe stopping someone else from
: being as dumb as I was (sort of like drunk drivers are made to do sometimes).
: So. Several years ago I was laid off. I had a decent severance package as
: well as some savings. Couldn't find a job, so I took 50K and began trading
: with it. Mostly shorting the VXX/UVXY pair, but sometimes buying puts. Fast
位short uvxy,还拿着空仓过周末,uvxy几天就能翻倍或者腰斩,他这样都能从30k折
【在 w*b 的大作中提到】
: Yahoo finance uvxy 版的一个id写的,60w$ short uvxy见外婆了
: sosa_k_king • Sep 16, 2015 12:17 PM
: 0users liked this postsusers disliked this posts0Reply
: UVXY short- my tale of misery
: I've been getting some counseling sessions about this and it was suggested I
: might feel better airing this out, and maybe stopping someone else from
: being as dumb as I was (sort of like drunk drivers are made to do sometimes).
: So. Several years ago I was laid off. I had a decent severance package as
: well as some savings. Couldn't find a job, so I took 50K and began trading
: with it. Mostly shorting the VXX/UVXY pair, but sometimes buying puts. Fast