2 楼
And saw Margaret Brennan and Peter Cook, the former is now a White House
correspondent for cbs and latter spokesperson for pentagon. Such a déjà vu
in seeing them both tonight, reminds me of the good old times I stare at
Bloomberg tv all day long. Looks like both had a good career leap, and I
still, the loser, same old loser.
correspondent for cbs and latter spokesperson for pentagon. Such a déjà vu
in seeing them both tonight, reminds me of the good old times I stare at
Bloomberg tv all day long. Looks like both had a good career leap, and I
still, the loser, same old loser.
3 楼
应该去GYM,或者出门跑个半马,指不定还能遇上条白牛呢 ~~
4 楼
曼哈顿房价创九年来最大跌幅 抄底的来了!归化公民效忠USA天经地义,但是现在国内的稀土相关股价貌似不错?比特币连续上涨,两个月翻倍,数字货币寒冬结束了?特斯拉现在有多惨:卫生纸都要马斯克亲自签字 (转载)下一个台积电应该就是忠心国际了歐洲飛行員協會呼籲對波音737 MAX進行獨立審核大盘要一泻千里nm闲得蛋疼lvxiao 请受老夫一拜cnn 老美来稿 贸易问题不怪中国而怪跨国美企Huawei Ark OS, 方舟OSes 20-22抄TEVA还是抄KHC?明晚的直播中国可以看吗?xxr 定投比特币是不是发财了?Zz Huawei Theft的最新wsj文章高盛恶意唱空苹果的目的是什么覆巢之下 复有完卵乎?熊市周二涨?