2 楼
英国不降息 其实你麻痹是利空 别的央行买啊买啊 都想让英国央行接盘 结果英国说
现在大盘就是央行在尼玛买 央行们会不做swing 全是在搏傻 央行博傻!
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 11
现在大盘就是央行在尼玛买 央行们会不做swing 全是在搏傻 央行博傻!
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 11
4 楼
Agree. But central banks are too big to fight.
6 楼
All banks report declining earnings and net profit margin. It's become more
difficult to make money for banks. PE is now >25, the expected forward
market return is negative for tne next 6 month to 1 year. on a sharpe ratio
basis it make no sense to go long market at this point.
difficult to make money for banks. PE is now >25, the expected forward
market return is negative for tne next 6 month to 1 year. on a sharpe ratio
basis it make no sense to go long market at this point.
mayoutu真实废物阿下了4个钓鱼单亏废掉了好恐怖说说sell in may的原因maybe I will watch some jokes今天Ardea疯了早晨谁抄了ANR,现在发达了下午还有一波暴跌行情通胀和低利率的又一恶果:养老保险和医疗俺估摸明后两天的剧本Facebook discloses 15% of revenue came from Zynga人人可以捞了今天 sprd 也很给力啊 不仅绿了,还绿了不少温相是建国来最体贴草民疾苦的总理 (转载)GRPN V5loser's rebound for ZNGA明天阿Q定理可能不work了,抄底的人太多,下午要跌回去green today?