闯王太猛了,连飞机都闯出跑道 (转载)
闯王太猛了,连飞机都闯出跑道 (转载)# Stock
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发信人: LionGod (hedge), 信区: USANews
标 题: 闯王太猛了,连飞机都闯出跑道
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 28 08:46:40 2016, 美东)
LGA Runways Back Open as NTSB Looks at Pence Plane Skid Incident
"They came in very quickly. A lot sooner than a lot of people expected. They
were on right at it, and they were able to get Governor Mike Pence and
everybody else off that plane quickly and safely," said one LaGuardia worker.
"I think Governor Pence's comment about the relief in seeing red flashing
lights on Port Authority police vehicles within 10 seconds speaks for itself
," said Port Authority Executive Director Patrick Foye.
Pence was later seen thanking police and firefighters before he left the
Soon after he tweeted, "So thankful everyone on our plane is safe. Grateful
for our first responders and the concern and prayers of so many. Back on the
trail tomorrow."
It's still not clear what caused the accident.
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating.
Donald Trump addressed Pence's rough landing during a campaign rally in Ohio
Thursday night.
Trump told supporters that he had spoken with his running mate, and assured
the crowd that Pence was okay.
"The plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to grave, grave
danger, but I just spoke to Mike Pence and he's fine. Got out, everybody's
fine," Trump said.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton also tweeted about the
She said, "Glad to hear Mike Pence, his staff, secret service, and the crew
are all safe."