川普政府拨2兆预算在未来十年做基础建设 (转载)
川普政府拨2兆预算在未来十年做基础建设 (转载)# Stock
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发信人: StanMarsh (ojo), 信区: USANews
标 题: 川普政府拨2兆预算在未来十年做基础建设
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 19 12:38:33 2017, 美东)
President Donald Trump will propose spending $200 billion in federal funds
over 10 years to spur investment in the nation’s infrastructure, a senior
Office of Management and Budget official said.
The administration’s aim for the funds, which will be part of the budget
proposal Trump plans to release on May 23, is to provide incentives for at
least $800 billion of infrastructure investment by the private sector and
state and local governments, said the official, who spoke on condition of
anonymity because the plans were not yet public.
Administration officials are examining the use of federal grants and loans
as well as other vehicles to spur the investment, much as the existing
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loan program
leverages federal funding for state and local spending, the official said.
One option likely to be part of the plan is asset recycling, in which the
federal government offers an incentive to encourage a state or municipality
to lease a public asset to the private sector in return for an upfront
payment that can be used for other projects that lack funding, according to
the official.
Most U.S. infrastructure is owned and controlled by states, localities and
private entities. Trump’s plan, the official said, will be designed to
encourage them to secure their own funding and financing rather than relying
on the federal government.
Trump promised throughout the campaign and since taking office to invest $1
trillion over 10 years to upgrade roads, bridges, airports and other assets.
The $200 billion in the budget being released next week would be mostly
spent between years two through six in the 10-year budget window, the
official said, adding that it would be offset to avoid adding to the deficit
. The official didn’t specify how.
The administration also has convened a task force of 16 federal agencies to
identify rules, regulations and statues that could be changed to streamline
the environmental review and permitting process to accelerate projects.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has said the administration is
providing principles for its infrastructure plan this month, with a complete
legislative package expected by the third quarter.
Officials are using a broad definition of infrastructure that includes
veterans’ hospitals, energy and broadband, Chao said during testimony on
Wednesday at the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Administration officials also have said the plan will encourage public-
private partnerships as a way to tap the estimated trillions of dollars in
available private capital worldwide.
Chao has said Trump’s plan could involve consideration for “special
projects” that are not candidates for private investment and need to be
funded directly, though the plan probably won’t include a list of specific
projects, she said.