bears make money, bulls make moneyTGB, 看起来明天会大涨或者大跌。想玩心跳的可以上了!大侠 啥时候SPX下到9XX啊?technical and margin call might drive S&P toward 1000 today请推荐个broker请问国内人如何在美国炒汇,A/C new highmortgage rate is down to 4.58钱越来越难赚了。今天只赚了 94 bucksperfect time to put your money in鬼畜崩毁ingmaybe it's time now才跌了那么一点点就叫了?我TMD冒天下之大不韪, 进些TBTwhy GYRO up so much today, any one can give some comments (转载)小反弹还得等两三天大家别想抄底拉,spx会见950-960 from some CNBC trader interview使劲捂啊,mm们快黔驴技穷了This is the bottomnow it is the perfect time to panic