这是经济不好就怪川普的架势。第一条非常不成立。加息缩表是美联储的政策,并不是 应川普要求才执行的。利率低,资产负债表高,不加息缩表就无力应对下一次的经济衰 退,加息缩表的本质原因是利率长期过低,资产负债表高,经济不够热,通货膨胀率低。 第二条也不成立。减税是美国公司和人民以及共和党和部分民主党参众议员的一致愿望 ,现在实现了,怎么能说是错误了。 第三条最不成立。美元贬值是提振美国出口,以及全世界剪羊毛的手段,居然也被楼主 批。想想日本当初怎么在广场协议后被割羊毛的。美元贬值12%,中国持有的1万亿美债 ,直接就相当于缩水12%。中国出口商痛苦不堪。 第四条不评论。 第五条也是完全错误。2009年后中国发展高铁。美国搞基建,总比Obama政府印钱给华 尔街和富豪强。 总之,楼主要么是为了反川普而反川普,要么就是站着中国而非美国的立场上作的评价。 Mistakes by President Trump 1). Ask Fed to hike rates and shrink balance sheet. I have explained the reasons above why it is bad. 2). Issue Tax-cut in a bad time: huge government deficit adds pressure to treasury. 3). Allow US dollar to be devalued: US/CNY has dropped from 7 to 6.3. Falling US dollar makes its treasury notes less attractive for international buyers. US dollar value has fallen -12% since Trump became President. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and President Trump seem to have zero understanding the importance of dollar strength. 4). Ignite Trade Wars with China. Instead, US should beg China to buy its debt to calm down the rising yields. 5). Propose $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: it is literally adding oil to fire.