2 楼
我2007年10月转成h1b,延期使用first year choice,那么我2007年file 1040,是
dual states return. 但是我在填8833表的时候看到如下的话
If you are a dual-resident taxpayer and
you choose to claim treaty benefits, you
are treated as a nonresident alien in
figuring your U.S. income tax liability for
the part of the tax year you are
considered a dual-resident taxpayer. If
this is the case, attach Form 8833 to
Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien
Income Tax Return, or Form 1040NR-EZ,
U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain
Nonresident Aliens W
dual states return. 但是我在填8833表的时候看到如下的话
If you are a dual-resident taxpayer and
you choose to claim treaty benefits, you
are treated as a nonresident alien in
figuring your U.S. income tax liability for
the part of the tax year you are
considered a dual-resident taxpayer. If
this is the case, attach Form 8833 to
Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien
Income Tax Return, or Form 1040NR-EZ,
U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain
Nonresident Aliens W
3 楼
do you feel stiff, if so go to see a rheumatologist, checking ANA antibody
titer. but mostly, it is OK.
titer. but mostly, it is OK.
4 楼
不是本公司给reimburse 的钱交税吗?1年能用2次5000免税条例?各位大牛,关于social security和medical tax中国公民但Tax residence填其他国家了心理紧张了:不该file的property tax refund支票回来了每个月工资被扣掉三分之一,美国的税是不是太高了点!请教,孩子有ITIN,ITIN就填在SSN的空格中吗?谢谢tax question: Can I claim capital loss in a later year?请教一个关于父母探亲退税的问题请教税务问题!!!Sales Tax在2008年还能deduct吗?F1 RA第六年的夏天开始,怎么每个月要多征$250税呢?你们H1一生效就开始交SSN—medical? 刚读了这段,发现个问题 (转载)Nonresident Alien填W-4的Line 5只能是1请babysitter 免税 (转载)从国内带钱过来,是否需要交税?以resident状态申报的benefit到底有哪些?如果来美国三年内从J1->H1,那还能享受treaty吗?600块钱 economic stimulus还有没受到的么?Joint Bank Account