The sale of some inconvenience abduction of foreign goods (no false)# TVChinese - 中文电视
1 楼
1. Meterials Needed (from HomeDepot)
(1) two 2" x 4" x 48" studs
(2) two 2" x 4" x 34" studs
(3) two 1" x 2" x 36.5" studs
(4) two 1" x 2" x 39.75" studs
(5) harware cloth 36" x 5'
Nails: 1"
Screws: 3", 2.5", and 1.5"
2. Tools Needed
3.1. Drill 3 holes at 4" on studs (1). Total: 12 holes
3.2. Put togther: 3" screws for the middle hole; 2.5" srcews for other two
holes. Repeat 3 more times.
3.3. Product after 3.2
3.4. Mount haredware cloth with 1" nails
3.5. Cut extra hardware cloth off
Product after 3.5
3.7. Put studs (3) and (4) with 1.5" screws. BE CAREFUL: studs may be
Final Product
(1) two 2" x 4" x 48" studs
(2) two 2" x 4" x 34" studs
(3) two 1" x 2" x 36.5" studs
(4) two 1" x 2" x 39.75" studs
(5) harware cloth 36" x 5'
Nails: 1"
Screws: 3", 2.5", and 1.5"
2. Tools Needed
3.1. Drill 3 holes at 4" on studs (1). Total: 12 holes
3.2. Put togther: 3" screws for the middle hole; 2.5" srcews for other two
holes. Repeat 3 more times.
3.3. Product after 3.2
3.4. Mount haredware cloth with 1" nails
3.5. Cut extra hardware cloth off
Product after 3.5
3.7. Put studs (3) and (4) with 1.5" screws. BE CAREFUL: studs may be
Final Product