吴秀波是怎么火起来的# TVChinese - 中文电视
November 10 2015
By Kellie Woodhouse for Inside Higher Ed
Amid escalating tensions, students protesting what they see as a culture of
racism at the University of Missouri have successfully ousted the system’s
president, Tim Wolfe, and the chancellor of its flagship institution at
Columbia, R. Bowen Loftin.
Wolfe resigned yesterday, after student and faculty activists had been
asking his administration for weeks to combat racism on the Columbia campus.
Protesters say that they were ignored and that, when they finally did meet
with the system leader, he minimised their concerns, Inside Higher Ed
The system’s governing board on Monday also announced that Loftin would
step down in January. In addition, the board promised a number of
initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion.
Perhaps the most visible moment of disconnect between the students and their
leaders came at the October homecoming parade, when a group of black
students, members of the organisation Concerned Student 1950, confronted
Wolfe while the president sat in the back seat of a convertible during the
procession. Wolfe refused to get out of the car and engage students, and
some students claim that the car struck them, although the university
disputes those claims.
Unrest has continued to snowball since the incident, and critics say that
his response was too delayed. Wolfe met with student activists two weeks
later, but the two sides apparently did not find much common ground. And
when he did apologise, it was nearly a month after the parade.
Meanwhile, after the parade and other allegations of racist incidents at the
flagship campus in Columbia, a graduate student went on a hunger strike and
a group of black players on the football team – with their coach
expressing support on Twitter – vowed to boycott games until the president
Over the weekend, students set up camp on campus and said that they would
remain there until Wolfe resigned. Several others, from two Republican
lawmakers to the state’s governor to graduate student groups, also called
for Wolfe’s resignation. On Monday, the university’s student government
formally called for Wolfe’s resignation, and faculty members encouraged
students to walk out of classes in protest over Wolfe’s leadership.
“The frustration and anger that I see is clear, real, and I don’t doubt it
for a second,” Wolfe said in an at times emotional address to the
university. “We stopped listening to each other, we didn’t respond and
react, we got frustrated with each other.”
Calls for dismissal are not isolated to just Wolfe. On Monday, in a letter
sent to the UM Board of Curators, nine Missouri deans said that they wanted
to express “our deep concern about the multitude of crises on our flagship
campus”. They called for Loftin’s dismissal.
“This thing just exploded,” said E. Gordon Gee, president of West Virginia
University and former president of Ohio State University. Gee and several
leaders in higher education who were interviewed for this article said that
it is extremely rare for a president of a large university system to be
forced to resign amid a fervor of student activism.
“The university leadership didn’t respond quickly and forcefully to the
issues…they tended to be perhaps too passive,” Gee continued. “Any of
these kinds of issues, people look to the leadership of the university to
address them.”
When the student government president, who is black, tweeted about how
someone called him a racial slur while walking on campus, there was an
outpouring of support on Twitter. Yet there was also an outpouring of
frustration with the Missouri administration for not responding or reacting
to the student’s experience.
Then a student group, the Legion of Black Collegians, posted about how some
of its members were also subject to racial slurs while rehearsing for a
campus event. Loftin posted a video acknowledging and condemning racism on
campus, but Wolfe and fellow system administrators remained silent.
For many frustrated students, the silence was reminiscent of a lack of
timely and clear responses to student demands for more minority enrolment,
and of the perceived silence following student frustrations after the
shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, made headlines
and placed Missouri at the centre of a national conversation about race.
“If you’re in a leadership position, a presidential position, language
matters. How you respond matters. The message you send matters. Students in
this community wanted to feel that they were heard and the concerns they had
were legitimate, and unfortunately they didn’t get that,” said Kevin
Kruger, president of NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher
“Campuses have to respond proactively to incidents related to racial
intolerance,” he said. “In today’s world you can’t assume that small
acts of protests are isolated.”
On Monday, Donald Cupps, the system governing board’s chairman, issued a
forthright apology for the university’s perceived inattention to the
concerns expressed by students and others about the racism they perceive at
the institution. “Significant changes are required to move us forward. The
board is committed to making those changes,” he said.
The board promised to appoint a diversity officer for the system and review
student and staff conduct policies, as well as provide additional support
for hiring and retaining minorities and assisting students who have
experienced discrimination. The board did not make any promises to increase
the number of black students enrolled in the system, as has been requested
by some protesters.
准备自己动手装bathroom ceiling上的一块drywall(大概2×3 feet),不知道除了螺


【在 M****o 的大作中提到】
: November 10 2015
: By Kellie Woodhouse for Inside Higher Ed
: Amid escalating tensions, students protesting what they see as a culture of
: racism at the University of Missouri have successfully ousted the system’s
: president, Tim Wolfe, and the chancellor of its flagship institution at
: Columbia, R. Bowen Loftin.
: Wolfe resigned yesterday, after student and faculty activists had been
: asking his administration for weeks to combat racism on the Columbia campus.
: Protesters say that they were ignored and that, when they finally did meet


【在 j****t 的大作中提到】
: 准备自己动手装bathroom ceiling上的一块drywall(大概2×3 feet),不知道除了螺
: 丝外还需不需要在drywall边上用什么胶之类的来固定?还是直接装上后就可以刷漆了
: ?看了不少video,好像没见有用胶的



【在 a*********n 的大作中提到】
: 据前女友说,12年都没红起来,靠买店卖店为生
边和角, 都用螺丝固定?

【在 o*****d 的大作中提到】
: 用胶沾哪?

【在 j****t 的大作中提到】
: 边和角, 都用螺丝固定?