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我的分数很低,最近想申请个loan,结果被银行hard inquiry几次。分数更低!
Your credit score is satisfactory. You may be able to qualify for new credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts, maintaining record accuracy, and paying your bills on time.
第一个影响因素就是你的credit utilization使用状况~,有注释如下。可见控制在总共limit的20%内很重要。
Credit card utilization is defined as your total credit card balances divided by your total credit card limits. The utilization percentage is often correlated to your credit score.
Note: You do not have to carry a credit card balance from month to month to show credit card utilization. Simply using your card is enough to show activity, even if you pay the balance in full and never accrue interest. Credit card balances are reported by the issuer every 30 days based on the balance on that particular day. There is no distinction between revolving and paid-in-full balances on your credit report.
On-time payments are an important component of your credit score. Using your
credit responsibly and paying bills on time are great ways to maintain a
good credit score.
hard pulls (hard inquiries)让我很受伤啊。看似多一次,score降低10-20分.
Inquiries for credit, also known as hard inquiries, are placed on your
credit report whenever you apply for credit. These results are the inquiries
for credit over the last 2 years. It is important to note that soft
inquiries do not impact your credit score and are not counted in this metric
Tracking your total debt is a good way to gauge your financial health. When
lenders evaluate your credit, this is often a key metric they review.
欠债和收入比,也要考虑。低了并不好!还是要用credit,不能老用cash和debt card。
Your Debt to Income (DTI) ratio compares the difference between your monthly
income and the monthly amount you spend to maintain your debt. It is often
a metric used when evaluating loan applications. Lower DTI is considered to
be a better credit risk.
Credit history is a significant component of your credit score. As such, the
average age of your credit lines can be a strong indication of your credit
账号数量也重要~ 关掉卡是否有用值得商量
The total number of credit accounts you have and the mix of credit you have
will affect your credit score. A healthy mix of revolving credit cards,
charge cards, installment loans and mortgages will also impact your credit
看这么多,赞一个。顺道贴一下citi identity monitor里提供的指导信息,是基于我
========Positive Factors==========
Here are the top factors that raise your score:
You have never been late with your payments, and no collection accounts or
negative public records are listed in your credit report.
This raises your score. Any history of late payments (including missed
payments and derogatory payment statuses) is a negative factor. No reported
history of payments on any account is also negative because lenders cannot
tell whether you paid on time or were late. Some cases of late payments are
worse than others. If you have not been late with any payments recently,
lenders may think you are responsible and do not (or will no longer) miss
payments. Lenders realize that many people occasionally pay late. Therefore,
being late with a single payment is typically not as harmful as being late
with two or more consecutive payments. Similarly, being late on many
accounts is typically worse than being late on just one. Also, lenders may
view late payments as a more serious problem if you have collection accounts
or negative public records such as bankruptcies or court judgments. These
types of credit records indicate a pattern of credit problems. Finally, it
may not be as harmful to be late with your payments if the past due amounts
are small, because lenders stand to lose less money if they remain unpaid.
On average, your open revolving accounts have a credit limit of $X,XXX.
This only includes accounts for which the credit limit is reported.
This raises your score. Having accounts with high credit limits or loan
amounts is a positive factor because it indicates to a lender that other
lenders have trusted you with a lot of credit in the past. On the other hand
, having accounts with low credit limits or loan amounts is a negative
factor because it may suggest a lack of confidence from those lenders.
Finally, having no accounts with reported credit limits or loan amounts is a
negative factor because lenders cannot evaluate your existing credit usage
and the confidence that other lenders have shown in your ability to repay
your debts.
You are using less than 1% of the credit limit on your open bankcard(s).
This only includes accounts for which the credit limit or highest balance is
reported. This is because if the credit limit is not reported, your highest
balance is used instead.
This raises your score. High usage (such as balances above 50% of the credit
limit) is usually considered negative because lenders worry that you may be
using more credit than you can reasonably afford to repay. In fact, as
little as 15% usage may lower your score if you have no serious negatives (
such as late payments) in your report. Being "maxed out" or overlimit on a
credit card (when your balance is close to or above the credit limit) is
particularly negative. The more accounts in this situation, the more it
affects your scores. On the other hand, low usage is usually considered
positive because it provides lenders with information on how you use credit.
It also demonstrates that you do not need to use all of the credit
available to you. However, not using your credit accounts at all may be
considered a negative factor, because it does not provide lenders with
information about how you typically use credit and repay your debts.
==============Negative Factors==================
Here are the top factors that lower your score:
You opened your first credit account X years and X months ago. This does
not include disputed accounts and accounts for which the date opened is not
This lowers your score. Having had credit accounts for a long time is a
positive factor because your credit history allows lenders to evaluate how
you typically use credit and repay your debts. However, accounts that have
been open for a long time may have a short payment history, either because
you have not used the account recently, or because the lender has not
reported the payment history to the credit bureau. Having short payment
histories is a negative factor, even for accounts that have been open for a
long time, because it does not provide lenders with the information they
need to determine how you repay your debts. Accounts that were opened 40 or
more years ago and have 2 or more years of reported payment history are
considered best. On the other hand, if your oldest account was opened up to
7 years ago, your credit history may be considered short, and less than 3
years ago is often considered too little.
You opened X account(s) in the past 24 months.
This lowers your score. Having accounts listed in your credit reports is a
positive factor because the payment history of these accounts shows lenders
how well you pay your bills. Therefore, having too few accounts may be
considered negative. However, having too many accounts or adding new
accounts too quickly may also be considered negative because lenders worry
that you are spending (or preparing to spend) beyond your means, even if you
have never been late with any payments. Note that closing accounts will not
change this. Also, if you do not currently have credit, getting your first
few credit cards may be difficult and may involve high fees, high interest
rates, and low credit limits. Note that accounts from personal finance
companies (which specialize in lending to people with credit problems) may
be considered negative.
You applied for credit X time(s) in the past 12 months, as recorded in this
credit report. Mortgage and auto loan applications within the last 30 days
are not counted. Prior to this 30-day window, all mortgage applications
within a short period (14 or 45 days, depending on the bureau) count as a
single application. This is also true of applications for auto loans.
This lowers your score. Applying for multiple credit accounts within a short
period of time can lower your credit scores. When you apply for any type of
credit (such as an auto loan, credit card, department store card, or
mortgage), the lender considering your credit application checks your credit
history. This is recorded in your credit reports as a "hard inquiry."
Although inquiries are an unavoidable result of applying for credit, lenders
dislike seeing too many inquiries within a short period of time (such as 12
months) because they cannot tell whether you are "shopping" for the best
offer or if you are desperately trying to obtain credit because of financial

credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here
are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts,
maintaining record accuracy, and paying your bills on time.

【在 a**********c 的大作中提到】
: 我的分数很低,最近想申请个loan,结果被银行hard inquiry几次。分数更低!
: 这是个基本的分数分布状况~
: Your credit score is satisfactory. You may be able to qualify for new credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts, maintaining record accuracy, and paying your bills on time.


credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here
are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts,
maintaining record accuracy, and pa

【在 a**********c 的大作中提到】
: 我的分数很低,最近想申请个loan,结果被银行hard inquiry几次。分数更低!
: 这是个基本的分数分布状况~
: Your credit score is satisfactory. You may be able to qualify for new credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts, maintaining record accuracy, and paying your bills on time.


credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here
are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts,
maintaining record accuracy, and pa

【在 a**********c 的大作中提到】
: 我的分数很低,最近想申请个loan,结果被银行hard inquiry几次。分数更低!
: 这是个基本的分数分布状况~
: Your credit score is satisfactory. You may be able to qualify for new credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts, maintaining record accuracy, and paying your bills on time.

guan yu hard pull, you zheme yi jian shiqing:
yi ge yue nei, tong yi zhong leixing de inqury, zai credit bureau hui bei he
bing cheng yige.
suo yi ~~~~yao hard pull jiu yige yue quan pull le.

credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here
are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts,
maintaining record accuracy, and pa

【在 a**********c 的大作中提到】
: 我的分数很低,最近想申请个loan,结果被银行hard inquiry几次。分数更低!
: 这是个基本的分数分布状况~
: Your credit score is satisfactory. You may be able to qualify for new credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts, maintaining record accuracy, and paying your bills on time.

Thanks a lot~!


【在 m*****n 的大作中提到】
: guan yu hard pull, you zheme yi jian shiqing:
: yi ge yue nei, tong yi zhong leixing de inqury, zai credit bureau hui bei he
: bing cheng yige.
: suo yi ~~~~yao hard pull jiu yige yue quan pull le.
: credit and loan offers but will probably not receive the best rates. Here
: are some areas of focus you may want to consider: reducing your debts,
: maintaining record accuracy, and pa

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