【OCEF翻译】1.6.1# Translation - 译林
Please help me verify the meaning of "有个别替换资助生"
Is it "There were a few unauthorized substitutions of the student
2. Some problems existed, but they have been corrected or partially solved:
JiaoTong XiWang Elementary School in TanTou village, and TanTou Middle
School in LuanChuan county, HeNan providence (financial aid project. The
coordinators didn't report the students' absence or withdrawal immediately
so that the financial aid were distributed more than what was needed, but
the excess has been returned);
XiaCunXiang School in YanLing county, HuNan providence (financial aid
project. This school used to hold part of the financial aid for magazine
subscriptions. Now the coordinators have been changed);
YaoXia Middle School in SuiChuan, JiangXi providence (financial aid project.
There were a few unauthorized substitutions of the student beneficiaries,
one third of the students' household conditions were not qualified. Now only
the qualified students are sponsored);
Six schools in Lan county, ShanXi providence (financial aid project. The
coordinators couldn't track down the sponsored students after they graduated
to attend new schools or transferred to other schools, causing difficulty
to distribute the funds. Currently the funding is distributed according to
the roster of present students);
High School in HuaiBin county, HeNan providence (scholarship project. Some
of the students' household conditions were not qualified or received
duplicate funding. Such aids had been stopped);
LingYun in GuangXi providence (temporary teacher project. Some teachers
substituted the previously supported teachers to receive the support without
official applications. Such procedural errors were remedied);
CongJiang in GuiZhou providence (temporary teacher project. The coordinators
didn't timely report the cases that the temporary teachers became the
official teachers and hence the aid should be stopped. The excess has been
Huaibin in HeNan providence (temporary teacher project. Some of the
applications included fraudulent information or the teachers did not qualify
for the teacher aid. The aid to the unqualified teachers has been stopped
and their situations will be investigated further).
yes, thanks!

【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Please help me verify the meaning of "有个别替换资助生"
: Is it "There were a few unauthorized substitutions of the student
: beneficiaries"?
: =====================================================================
: 2. Some problems existed, but they have been corrected or partially solved:
: JiaoTong XiWang Elementary School in TanTou village, and TanTou Middle
: School in LuanChuan county, HeNan providence (financial aid project. The
: coordinators didn't report the students' absence or withdrawal immediately
: so that the financial aid were distributed more than what was needed, but
: the excess has been returned);

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