[转载] About term font size.# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
【 以下文字转载自 Windows 讨论区 】
【 原文由 afan 所发表 】
hi, guys: this is an old unsolved problem.. 8-)
I am using xwin32 to use xterm on the NT desktop,
each time when launch a new xterm, I found the
font size is too slow, thus have to press ctrl + right
mouse to select to a larger VT fonts. I wonder
where in the xwin32 program I can do the modification
thus no need to do it time and time again, or maybe
it is in the xterm option... 3x in advance.
IMHO, This should be on the NT side, which runs the xwin32 X
The client side on the Unix box shouldnt do anything.

【在 a**n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Windows 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 afan 所发表 】
: hi, guys: this is an old unsolved problem.. 8-)
: I am using xwin32 to use xterm on the NT desktop,
: each time when launch a new xterm, I found the
: font size is too slow, thus have to press ctrl + right
: mouse to select to a larger VT fonts. I wonder
: where in the xwin32 program I can do the modification
: thus no need to do it time and time again, or maybe
: it is in the xterm option... 3x in advance.

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