getting connected to Oracle in Perl
getting connected to Oracle in Perl# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
Is there anyone who has experience with perl(on a Linux box) connecting to
Oracle? What I want to do is simply a sql read/write.
I am trying to install DBI::Oracle, but it is required that oracle has to be
already installed on the same box. If anyone who knows about this, would you
please intro it in a little more details? or, is there any other approach?
any suggestions will be appreciated.
oracle server can be located in another box. you only need to install client
on your box, obtain your oracle id and do some configurations for your client
according to oracle user uide...
i did mine this way and i was able to use perl's dbi:oracle...


【在 f***y 的大作中提到】
: Is there anyone who has experience with perl(on a Linux box) connecting to
: Oracle? What I want to do is simply a sql read/write.
: I am trying to install DBI::Oracle, but it is required that oracle has to be
: already installed on the same box. If anyone who knows about this, would you
: please intro it in a little more details? or, is there any other approach?
: any suggestions will be appreciated.

in my case, I had to install the full installation.
i hate that.
when i first installed a client, it didn't work, and
spit out error msg something like lack of some libs..
i copied over more lib files, but not all, from another
box with full installation of oracle, it failed again
but much better though. i don't know which files helped..
and which files that i didn't have would.
well, anyways.. it came through all right after i had
install the whole thing...
I also came accross some configurati

【在 z*****u 的大作中提到】
: oracle server can be located in another box. you only need to install client
: on your box, obtain your oracle id and do some configurations for your client
: according to oracle user uide...
: i did mine this way and i was able to use perl's dbi:oracle...
: you
