The sender info of mail command# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
Hi there,
Our machine is running Solaris 9 and using NIS. I sshed in as a regular user A
and "su -" to root user. I typed following command as root user "mail A test
ctrl^d". I switched back to regular user A and checked the email of A. I found
the email with the content "test" as expected but I found the sender of the
email is A NOT the root. I am wondering why I issued the mail command as root
but the sender is not root but user A?
Thanks in advance!
Is the /var/spool/mail or /var/mail NFS mounted?

【在 h*********s 的大作中提到】
: Hi there,
: Our machine is running Solaris 9 and using NIS. I sshed in as a regular user A
: and "su -" to root user. I typed following command as root user "mail A test
: ctrl^d". I switched back to regular user A and checked the email of A. I found
: the email with the content "test" as expected but I found the sender of the
: email is A NOT the root. I am wondering why I issued the mail command as root
: but the sender is not root but user A?
: Thanks in advance!


Yes. /var/mail is NFS mounted.
cat /etc/mnttab|grep var
auto_direct /var/mail autofs direct,ro,nosuid,ignore,dev=3dc0001
/export/mail /var/mail lofs rw,suid,dev=800080 1083962476
Could you tell me why it matters since /var/mail is NFS mounted?
Also, I have two more questions:
1. What is /export/mail. is this a local partition?
2. I am not sure the meaning of lofs. Does it mean a file system on local
if so, why didn't use /dev/dsk/... We only use NF

【在 w**n 的大作中提到】
: Is the /var/spool/mail or /var/mail NFS mounted?
NFS's client root has no write permission on mounted partition by default.
lofs is loopback virtual file system , you could man lofs get more info.

【在 h*********s 的大作中提到】
: Yes. /var/mail is NFS mounted.
: cat /etc/mnttab|grep var
: auto_direct /var/mail autofs direct,ro,nosuid,ignore,dev=3dc0001
: 1080130613
: /export/mail /var/mail lofs rw,suid,dev=800080 1083962476
: Could you tell me why it matters since /var/mail is NFS mounted?
: Also, I have two more questions:
: 1. What is /export/mail. is this a local partition?
: 2. I am not sure the meaning of lofs. Does it mean a file system on local

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