there is one SGI octane machine at our group run IRIX6.3 OS. We need to
retrieve the data from that machine. However the machine is 100% full and when
I start machine, hard disk is running, but nothing on the screen.
I need to delete some core file in the system. But nothing I can do. before
the crisis, someone tar a file push the system to crash and stupid indian
illegal shutdown the machine kill the system.
by the way, don't buy this crap machine, heavy like a rock and customer
service is bad.
When the system start, enter the crisis mode, which have very dummy shell, you can delete some core file under that shell,
if you want to edit file, be sure you know vi well

【在 g****c 的大作中提到】
: there is one SGI octane machine at our group run IRIX6.3 OS. We need to
: retrieve the data from that machine. However the machine is 100% full and when
: I start machine, hard disk is running, but nothing on the screen.
: I need to delete some core file in the system. But nothing I can do. before
: the crisis, someone tar a file push the system to crash and stupid indian
: illegal shutdown the machine kill the system.
: by the way, don't buy this crap machine, heavy like a rock and customer
: service is bad.

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