有的香港人真的是 。。。 (一种动物)! (转载)
有的香港人真的是 。。。 (一种动物)! (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: goldmember (蔬菜<<标 题: 有的香港人真的是 。。。 (一种动物)!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 26 13:09:13 2012, 美东)
有的香港人真的是 。。。 (一种动物)!
作家。不知道中文名,BBC主持人称他为“Chip Zhao”。这位作家不承认香港人和大陆
听完以后非常气愤。今天终于在网上找到这段节目。 自己用了一小时的时间把里面说
BBC World Service, News Hour.
21:05, Jan 25 2012
------------ near the end of the program ------------
A professor at one of China's most prestigious universities recently sparked
an outcry by calling the people of Hongkong "bastards, dogs, cheats", after
this mobile phone footage went viral. It shows Hongkong commuters angrily
berating a family from mainland China for eating on the city's subway system
, something that's strictly forbidden. ??? a dozen of similar videos posted
by Hongkong residents online, all documenting what seems to be their
perceived cultural superiority over their northern cousins.
Is there really a cultural divide among the Chinese? And what happens the
former British colony of Hongkong is fully reintegrated with mainland in
2047? Chip Zhao is an outspoken writer from Hongkong. He said people from
the mainland need their manners to catch up with their economic successes.
"Culturally we are extremely different from mainland Chinese. We hong
kongers have no objections, what so ever, to mainland chinese jumping cues,
spitting in the public, or ??? on pavement whatever in cities like Beijing
and Shanghai. If they cross the boarder and do things here, they could
create a bit of a scene."
You are seeming to present the Chinese as a land of peasants who don't know
how to behave in public. But CHina of course is surging ahead in terms of
its wealth and power. Do you think the differences are still that stark?
"Well yes. If you look at the GDP growth figurewise (?) China has been very
impressive in the past two decades. People have been enjoying great material
wealth. But that's exactly what the problem is. They have not culturally
adapted to some global values."
Do you think they feel the same way about the people of Hongkong? The fact
that professor Kong called you "dogs" not humans? Does that reflect the way
you think of them is exactly the same way they think about you?
"According to the latest statistics, professor Kong ????"
But what about now in 2047, when the two regions will be fully integrated?
What do you think will happen then?
"(laughter) It's a bit of a long way to look ahead, isn't it? Given the fast
economic growth China is enjoying, the locomotive of world economy is at
full throttle. But given the present degree of immense pollution, I remain a
little bit doubtful a big nation like that would ever survive till the year
of 2047."
Aren't you the same people? You are all Chinese.
"So what? As for Mr. Li Kuang Yo, he is Chinese. As for the singaporeans,
they are Chinese. As for those who open shops on Jerrel street in London,
although they hold British passports, they are ethnic Chinese. I mean we
must not let the issue of race blind our views. "
But what would you say if your critics say you are being a bit of a racist
by describing them in that way with their bad manners and behavior?
"I say they are different. I advocate differences of culture. I think
different people should behave a little differently, by retaining their own
customs. But it doesn't mean that you may use that as an excuse to cause a
public nuisance and become a bit of an eyesore in metropolitan cities like
London, New York, or even Shanghai. "