4 楼
Thanks for your concern, Keng Wang! I am really flattered.
I was preparing for the worst, before arguing with some billing office over some penalty fee they placed on me, which was actually caused by the system. I needed to prepare how to say, when they denied their own fault.
【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: 被老外抛弃了?
: 交流有困难,就不要再强求了。
I was preparing for the worst, before arguing with some billing office over some penalty fee they placed on me, which was actually caused by the system. I needed to prepare how to say, when they denied their own fault.
【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: 被老外抛弃了?
: 交流有困难,就不要再强求了。
5 楼
账单的事儿,你就别写 "良心发现"和 "扪心自问"了。老外不吃这一套。
还是收集evidence,准备上small claim court吧。
【在 n***s 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your concern, Keng Wang! I am really flattered.
: I was preparing for the worst, before arguing with some billing office over some penalty fee they placed on me, which was actually caused by the system. I needed to prepare how to say, when they denied their own fault.
还是收集evidence,准备上small claim court吧。
【在 n***s 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your concern, Keng Wang! I am really flattered.
: I was preparing for the worst, before arguing with some billing office over some penalty fee they placed on me, which was actually caused by the system. I needed to prepare how to say, when they denied their own fault.
(有包子)游街喽:大家快看股版某著名ID,塞版猥亵女生愛中國者,回國必然不會生病中共独裁暴政统治下 4岁男孩随母亲晚上扫街 1家人1天花费不足10元英国某机构研究发现,帅哥的平均智商高于公众13.7中国高铁安全隐患比债务更烫手钢材看了一龙和美国警察的对打(ZT)太恶心了,淫荡西游记。发现我师妹在征婚。卡扎菲彻底傻叉了,一脑袋的猪屎。Re: 大傻被猴妈始乱终弃了? (转载)国内有因为贪污被干掉的高级官员吗小孩子告诉你什么是真爱--无病呻吟和做作的男女都去死吧也发个帖子说装逼有毒的家常菜(以后大家吃饭要注意了)今天上政治课被老师打了两个耳光,求安慰【转】英语单词全部用大写是习惯?相比之下,中国人真的没耐性【Re:惊天阴谋】自己去查查Lasik的历史再来忽悠人吧梁洛施分手后暴富 现金+物业共40亿港币郎咸平: 不是房价高不高的问题 (转载)