Ok this is my co-worker, sits next to me, American jewish, part of his
family were from Turkey.
He is a 50 year old, small skinny dark skin guy. These are the reasons I
don't like him
1-two co-workers were talking about projects, he suddenly jump and dance
said, Oh yeah ~ .. ....... everyone in the room was shocked
2-He said, I really need someone to make decision for me, we need a leader,
we need a leader ( he's acting very needy, HE needs a leader, I DON"T NEED,
don't put my name on)
3-We are trying to help each other as much as we can. ( in a very girly way
4-He slam a phone case on the table in a quiet meeting, suddenly very loud,
scared everyone.
5-He has bad smell in his mouse everytime when he talk to me close.
6-He talks very loud, and ALWAYS cut off other people when they are talking.
YES, 9 out of 10 times !
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