from "work to the end" to "fly to the end"
from "work to the end" to "fly to the end"# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
about a week ago, i have posted a message one of my colleague passed away
due to cancer; And he almost worked through the end; And he lived by himself
w/o a family.....I was so sorry for him and for his life......
after knowing better about him, my mind swings from the completed
sympathetic sadness to eyes wide shut:
he got a wife in the another state
he quited the job in the mid of his life about 35 to sail on Florida coast
after his saving was exhausted, he came back to work
two his hobbies in the recent years are car race and airplane. not long ago
(maybe a month) he flu with his friend to OK, his hometown.
if i can borrow a word from one of my colleague "he flies to the end". what
a big swing, from the very left to the very right, from "work to the end" to
"fly to the end". I like the second one much better. Good for him. He spent
his life sailing in the occean, on the road and upto the sky with full of
meanwhile, i am wondering myself some time how easy it can be to turn black
into white and vice versa. and how life can be treated differently from the
very left to the very right but most of people lives in the midddle
I better stop here, i almost can hear someone shout "stop cooking up a
tragedy....," haha