你指的可能是北卡 明确规定婚姻是一男一女之间,也就是说禁止同性结婚。The ban also includes civil unions and domestic partnerships. 而后者其实最开始是因为女权运动之后,许多异性恋反婚姻而出现的。也就是说其实这 些规定把异性恋的利益也侵犯了。 这其实就是我上面的第2个话题,什么是歧视。
wiki上考来的 Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership - or perceived membership - in a certain group or category. It involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to another group. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to other groups.[1] Discriminatory laws such as redlining exist in many countries. In some places, controversial attempts such as racial quotas have been used to redress negative effects of discrimination, but in turn have sometimes been called reverse discrimination themselves.
【在 a***n 的大作中提到】 : wiki上考来的 : Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their : membership - or perceived membership - in a certain group or category. It : involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or : restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to : another group. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group : from opportunities that are available to other groups.[1] : Discriminatory laws such as redlining exist in many countries. In some : places, controversial attempts such as racial quotas have been used to : redress negative effects of discrimination, but in turn have sometimes been
这几天在queernews版,有人认真研读了DOMA的判决书,把这个案子的两个根本理由总 结了一下。我只是拷了主要的内容: 1. 法院要審核DOMA是否符合憲法的平等原則, 首先要明確,法案是不是把一部分人區別開來事實上造成了歧視。 Boudin作為保守派,在這個部分盡顯保守的本色, 他認為不需要為同志群體重新定義一個特別的“族群”分類, 而作為個案來考慮, 比如過去的案例曾經涉及的窮人,殘疾人,等等。 但不管什麼人,如果政府的立法對這些弱勢群體造成了不公正待遇, 那麼政府的立法就不合理,違反平等原則的立法應屬違憲。 2. 而保守派一貫小心提防的大聯邦主義,才是DOMA真正的隱患。 如何定義婚姻,自美國建國以來就是各州自主的事情, 作為聯邦法的DOMA,把婚姻的定義歸了聯邦法而不歸州法, 這是聯邦法對州法的侵權 “DOMA intrudes extensively into a realm that has from the start of the nation been primarily confided to state regulation--domestic relations and the definition and incidents of lawful marriage--which is a leading instance of the states' exercise of their broad police-power authority over morality and culture. ” 看到這兒我也樂了, 要這麼說起來,DOMA的第二條款和第三條款就是互相打臉的兩個條款, 第二條說婚姻自主權屬於各州,第三條說,聯邦定義“配偶”和“婚姻”描述異性關係。 1996年克林頓簽署法案的時候估計沒有預料到, 八年後麻州的州法把配偶和婚姻的定義推展到了同性之間, 到現在八個州加上DC相繼修改了本地方的婚姻法, 那麼DOMA如果要保住第二條,就得廢除第三條, 如果保住第三條,就得廢除第二條。 Boudin明確說,DOMA第二條是否違憲不在今日這幾個案件的議題之中, 但第三條所顯示的大聯邦主義與我們所遵守的定義婚姻之權利屬於各州的精神相悖。 自美國建國以來,聯邦制和地方自主權的角力就沒有消停過, 從當年的聯邦黨人和共和黨到現在的民主黨和共和黨, 地方自主權是保守派堅守的陣地, 而聯邦政府的權力集中提高效率則是自由派推進政策變革的方式之一。 保守派會怎麼看待Boudin的判詞呢, 他的觀點完全符合保守派對於地方自主權的捍衛, 要是不推翻DOMA,聯邦的法規就侵犯地方的婚姻自主權, 要是推翻DOMA,同志們又獲得了勝利。
【在 a***n 的大作中提到】 : wiki上考来的 : Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their : membership - or perceived membership - in a certain group or category. It : involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or : restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to : another group. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group : from opportunities that are available to other groups.[1] : Discriminatory laws such as redlining exist in many countries. In some : places, controversial attempts such as racial quotas have been used to : redress negative effects of discrimination, but in turn have sometimes been