Balls, walls and bathroom stalls
Balls, walls and bathroom stalls# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Aight... let me see if I can pull this off and tie those title subjects
I've made the assertion numerous times and continue to think it true that
too often too many on The Left are all about emasculating men. Some of
those assertions I've chronicled in my Plainly Not So Manly category where
you'll find this particular post recording happenings in Sweden last year:
The GLBT influence in Sweden is strong, very strong... oops, those words
would also be seen to be problematic:
At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "
her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.
From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every
detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into
gender stereotypes.
"Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be
manly, rough and outgoing," says Jenny Johnsson, a 31-year-old teacher. "
Egalia gives them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be."
The taxpayer-funded preschool which opened last year in the liberal
Sodermalm district of Stockholm for kids aged 1 to 6 is among the most
radical examples of Sweden's efforts to engineer equality between the sexes
from childhood onward.
Sadly, the linked story can no longer be found but my post, or at least the
excerpted pieces found therein, gives you some idea of the emasculation
taking place in Sweden.
Now it seems there's evidence that the emasculation is accelerating:
Male representatives on the Sormland County Council in Sweden should sit
rather than stand while urinating in office restrooms, according to a
motion advanced by the local Left Party.
Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that
seated urination is more hygienic for men -- the practice decreases the
likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall -- in
addition to being better for a man's health by more effectively emptying one
's bladder, The Local reported.
And so it continues.
Which brings me to this post by Robert that I simply find fitting:

Last night's match was a somewhat rough affair against a larger opponent and
it was fascinating to watch how the boys reacted, some with restraint and
others lashing back in the heat of battle. Maintaining control of your
emotions at such times bodes well for a young person's future. (Not to
mention, a lesson coaches would be well advised to remember themselves,
should they ever grow up.)
Even from the sidelines, during such moments, we see leadership
qualities born and developing.
At the height of the action, our opponents were awarded a free kick just
outside our box and the boys immediately began organizing themselves into a
wall to defend their goal.
That was when we all heard it, the primordial definition of manhood and
the surest sign these little boys, 9 year-olds, are growing up because from
somewhere deep within the fray, a boy shouted:
"Make a wall but protect your balls!!"
My friends, it's as accurate a mantra for manhood as you will ever hear.
With what's happening in Sweden, and with what will likely happen here if we
allow The Left to take us down the path they're hell bent on taking us down
, I couldn't agree more with Robert.
Men... make a wall but protect your balls!!
Because trust me, too many on The Left would rather men not have any.
Men... make a wall but protect your balls!!