Hi everyone, I receive this email 5 minutes ago.
Mr. xxx:
I am working on a routine verification of your visa information and was
hoping to meet with you in the near future to complete the review. However,
I saw an indication that you were expecting to graduate this past spring.
Are you still in xxx? If so, I would like to schedule a brief time to meet
with you. I am available any time next Thursday 7/12/12 and the following
week Wednesday 7/18/12, Thursday 7/19/12 or Friday 7/20/12. Again this is a
routine review and there is no cause for any concern on your part. I hope
to hear from you soon. If you reply to this email I will also receive a
notification through my cell phone so that is the best way to reach me.
Thank you for your time,
Valerie Calcagno
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
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