wsn果然self-hatred, 明明那么多赞美亚女的论点,选择性失明
wsn果然self-hatred, 明明那么多赞美亚女的论点,选择性失明# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
I'm white and I think it's time I cleared things up for some people. What I
am about to say is not racist. It is mere preference.
I have dated four white girls and two Asian girls. Out of the two Asians (
one Thai and one Vietnamese), I am still great friends with both. I am only
friends with one of the white girls.
Asian tend to be loving, caring, intelligent, and an added bonus--cute.
For me, all of the white girls I have dated have specifically and without
fail lacked in an area vital to me--intelligence. I felt as though simple
conversation about scientific or mathematical matters could not occur. With
Asian girls, such talk was commonplace.
And the other luring thing about Asian girls is the exotic style and beauty
of them--this word is used often (exotic) to describe them as seen from the
views of a white man.
I also feel that my attraction to them could also be caused by my genes. My
genes are looking for variation. What better way to do so than to mate
outside of my racial gene pool? Though this isn't all of it, I feel this
plays a significant role in my attraction to Asians.
I feel this will not change things for other races: there are plenty of
Asian girls to go around and there are plenty of white men to go around. On
that note, it is important to understand the significant rise in the number
of Asian girls with white men.
It is commonplace now.
Umm, let’s see now... It’s a bit of a mystery... Generally speaking, they
have the lovely, delicate features of porcelain dolls. They’re highly
intelligent and interesting conversationalists. They’re trim and fit with
hourglass figures. They have beautiful, golden, blemish free skin and soft
jet black hair that flows smoothly down over alluring shoulders. Their
personal values are rooted in countless centuries of tradition wherein
family, children, spouse, parents and all relatives are treated with respect
and love. They instill in their children a love of education and the drive
to pursue a successful professional career. They place a premium on honesty,
faithfulness and integrity. They are devoted wives and mothers and do
everything in their power to support and protect those they love. Other than
that, I can’t see any reason why a white dude would be attracted to Asian
Umm its al preferences yeah brazilian women are hot. I think there beautiful
. But there is beauty in every race rememeber that. Have you seen cambodian
and thai women. Their tall slim huge buts and boobies with naturally big
eyes and they age very slow. Hell some of them look spanish. Rememeber an
ugly atituted makes an ugly face. Asian women are very genuine respectful
towards elders and they are very caring. These qualities is what makes them
the most desirable. Where as every other race sex is the first thing to them
. Shake there butts dress slutty and skimpy. An asian women values love,
security and family. Sex is a kinky thing in which they hide in the bedroom
for their significant other. Sex does not come first in asian ethnicity
unless your working for a brothel or into prostitution because that's their
only way to make money. To support themselves and whom ever. So yeah. Asian
women do not need to dress skimpy to attract a man. They a attract them with
respect and intelligece and the utmost respect they have for themselves. =)
你就是个WS男, 绿色的菊花台


【在 l******p 的大作中提到】
: I'm white and I think it's time I cleared things up for some people. What I
: am about to say is not racist. It is mere preference.
: I have dated four white girls and two Asian girls. Out of the two Asians (
: one Thai and one Vietnamese), I am still great friends with both. I am only
: friends with one of the white girls.
: Asian tend to be loving, caring, intelligent, and an added bonus--cute.
: For me, all of the white girls I have dated have specifically and without
: fail lacked in an area vital to me--intelligence. I felt as though simple
: conversation about scientific or mathematical matters could not occur. With
: Asian girls, such talk was commonplace.


你这是证明只有外F才能笑吗? 后面两对跟出殡一样。