你给的连接里面说的是 “What we think is happening is recruiters have to go through piles of ré sumés very quickly. If they see an unfamiliar name, they may get an initial first reaction that they have concerns about whether the person has the social and language skills the job requires,” 如果不起本国名字也许会失去本来能找到的工作。 原因是人家可能担心你的英语和社交。 但是反之则未必成立。 如果语言和社交不行的中国人起了英文名字不会"更好“找到工作。
网上的西方人议论中国人起的洋名字,这种议论到处都有: Ema Nymton October 19, 2010 5:14 am Well … I really think people who are picking names in a foreign language should really know something about that language. I have a 3-year-old nephew , who has an English name of “Jackal”. It might sound catchy, but I don’t think his parents wanted to name their son after a hyena derivative. When I pointed that out, like any good uncle would do, they ended up accusing me for calling their son a dog! Another incident. Some really hot blond chick was walking down the street. She’s got one of those Chinese tats on her back. I think she wanted to say “Taurus” but from the translation, it meant “I am a cow.” I am sure she would have changed her mind about the tat if she got expert help, and I am sure she would have been a little more sensible than accusing someone of calling her a cow.