Chicago政府支付2千2百万给受害人 (转载)
Chicago政府支付2千2百万给受害人 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: Chicago政府支付2千2百万给受害人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 18 14:31:40 2013, 美东)
Chicago’s $22.5 Million Payout To A Gang Rape Victim Is Probably A Bargain
January 18, 2013 Posted by Doug Johnson
They’re paying that astronomical amount because the Chicago Police
Department arrested Christina Eilman at Midway Airport in 2006 as she had a
bipolar meltdown, held her overnight before releasing her into a high-crime
area of Chicago where she was gang raped then thrown out of a seventh floor
(AP) CHICAGO – The parents of a California woman who was raped and
severely injured after Chicago police released her from custody in a
troubled neighborhood despite her obvious mental illness said Thursday that
a $22.5 million settlement with the city is a “bittersweet victory.”
The settlement that will pay for Christina Eilman’s extensive ongoing
therapy is the largest in a police misconduct case in Chicago history.
…After the council’s action, Christina Eilman’s mother and stepfather
, Kathleen and Richard Paine, released their first public statement in years
about the case. They described how the events that culminated in their
daughter falling or being thrown from a 7th-story window had devastated her
“No amount of money will bring back the daughter we knew, the lovely
young woman who was full of life and accepting of all people,” the Paines
wrote. “Her life was dramatically changed after she came to Chicago and
found herself in the grasp of several insensitive and uncaring police
officers and detention aides who humiliated her, directed cruel and
insensitive comments toward her, ignored her desperate need for help and
placed her in harm’s way.”
Eilman’s federal lawsuit against the city was scheduled to begin next
week. Her family initially was seeking $100 million, but agreed to the lower
figure during extensive negotiations with the city.
Chicago Alderman Edward Burke says the city could have lost $80 million
or more had a jury learned of all that Eilman went through and the nine
desperate calls her mother made to police in the 27 hours. She had begged
officers not to release her daughter because her daughter was bipolar and
having a breakdown, but to no avail.
…Despite doing things like babbling incoherently and smearing menstrual
blood on the holding cell walls, and after her parents’ frantic calls,
Eilman was released to fend for herself in a high-crime area. She ended up
in a nearby public housing building, where a man raped her at knifepoint
before she fell from a seventh-story window.
Chicago Tribune detailed her ordeal in 2010 (and photo gallery), and the
details are chilling. The police really did throw this disturbed woman to
the wolves. Alderman Burke is right, a jury would have given the family more
than the city settled for.