mass shooting杀人狂居然都是liberal Democrats (转载)
mass shooting杀人狂居然都是liberal Democrats (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: USANews
标 题: mass shooting杀人狂居然都是liberal Democrats
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 24 03:17:47 2013, 美东)
Why is it that those who use guns to kill movie goers and children in
schools are progressive Democrats?
Columbine School shootings - April 20, 1999 - thirteen premeditated
murders by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebolt, too young to vote but both
from families who were progressive liberals and registered Democrats.
VA Tech shootings– April 16, 2004 – thirty-two premeditated murders by
Cho Seung-Hui, a registered Democrat who had written hate mail to
President George W. Bush.
Fort Hood shootings - November 5, 2009 - thirteen premeditated murders
by Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim and a registered Democrat.
Aurora, CO. Century Theater shootings – July 20, 2012 – twelve
premeditated murders by James Holmes, a registered Democrat, Occupy Wall
Street participant, and a progressive liberal who had been a staff
worker on the Obama election campaign.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings – December 14, 2012 –
twenty-seven premeditated murders by Adam Lanza, a registered Democrat
whose facebook rants showed he despised Christians.
Jared Loughner.Loughner's pleaded guilty to 19 charges of murder and
attempted murder, in connection with the shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on
January 8, 2011, in which he shot and severely injured U.S. Representative
Gabrielle Giffords. High school friend Zach Osler said, "He did not watch TV
; he disliked the news; he didn't listen to political radio; he didn't take
sides; he wasn't on the Left; he wasn't on the Right. But a former classmate
, Caitie Parker, who attended high school and college with Loughner,
described his political views prior to 2007 as "left wing, quite liberal,"
101 murders (mostly women and children) and ALL of these shooters were
progressive liberal Democrats - - none were NRA members - - none were
members of a Tea Party - - none were conservative Republicans.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Cho Seung-Hui是韩国公民, Adam Lanza有脸书?