我们senator的回信,我的回信,枪支问题# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for contacting me about gun violence prevention. I appreciate
hearing from you.
Americans are entitled to own and use guns responsibly. The Second Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution guarantees this right. In 2008, in the case of
District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court struck down the District’
s handgun ban and affirmed Second Amendment rights. However, the Court also
noted in its decision that Second Amendment rights are subject to reasonable
limitations. To this end, I plan to hold a Senate Judiciary Hearing in the
Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights Subcommittee to address this
Constitutional question and how to most appropriately address gun control
Within this context, we must work to pursue policies and enforce existing
laws to protect Americans from becoming victims of gun violence. Strong
penalties for violent crimes involving firearms should be part of any effort
to reduce gun violence. I have consistently supported tough crime control
and prevention initiatives since coming to Congress.
I support efforts that address illegal possession and use of firearms.
Common sense restrictions such as bans on multi-round magazines and assault
weapons are supported by law enforcement officials who patrol our streets. I
also support universal background checks to prevent the transfer of
firearms without a background check by non-licensed gun sellers.
We must institute common-sense limits, such as barring those with a history
of mental instability, those with a history of violent crime or who are
subject to restraining orders, and those whose names have been placed on a
terrorist watch list from owning weapons. Straw purchasers and gun dealers
should face firm penalties. There should be limits on how many firearms may
be purchased in one month. Those who own firearms that are within the reach
of children should have protective locks on their weapons.
Although we may disagree on this issue, I will keep your thoughts in mind as
the Senate considers gun violence prevention measures. I will continue to
uphold the right to bear arms and do not seek to diminish the ability of
Americans to do so. We must strike a balance between protecting our
constitutional rights and preventing senseless acts of violence that have
led to the loss of countless lives in Illinois and across America.
Thank you again for contacting me. Please feel free to stay in touch.
United States Senator
Dear Senator XXX,
Thank you for your reply.
I support universal background check and to include mental health
information in the background check database.
I oppose Assault Weapon Ban and oppose magazine control.
Here is why.
1. Assault weapon is not a scientific definition. Semi-Automatic AR 15 is
less powerful than Semi Automatic Shotgun, it is also less powerful than
hunting gun like Remington 750 in 30-06. All those furniture like pistol
grip, adjustable butt-stock, detachable magazine makes small deference. I
see people talking about these things usually know not much about firearms.
It's misleading to focus on these furniture, and avoid the real problem
America is facing. Violent culture. Too humane to criminal.
2. I saw many law enforcement officers such as Milwaukee Sheriff David
Clarke oppose gun control. We law abiding citizen are facing the same
criminal our officers are facing, we need the same fire power they have.
3. I live in Chicago, Illinois. Which you represent. Chicago has the
toughest gun law but the highest crime rate. It's time to arm the law
abiding citizen and take away illegal guns from the criminal, not further
tie people's hands.
4. I lived in China and Russia, believe it or not. Both countries has very
similar constitution like our American constitution. Russian and Chinese
constitutions all protect human right, free speech, free assembling, etc.
But they don't have our Second Amendment, so their rights are not real. I am
worried, America this great nation one day will become like China, like
Russia. Once the Second Amendment is gone, so will the first and the rest.
Don't tell me you only want to gun control, not gun ban. Diana Feinstein has
said her ultimate goal is to ban all guns. Look at New York, last time gun
control, the legal magazine is 10 round, this time it's 7 round. They don't
and can't fix the real social problem, but they keep squeeze us. I am sure
the next gun control bill will be about even smaller magazine, 5 round, 3
round, 1 round and ultimately 0 round.
I hope you show your true leadership, focus on the right of law abiding
citizen. I feel the media and the government care way more about criminal's
right than ours.
Please be tough on criminals. Put them in jail, force them to work to
generate value to compensate the victim and tax payers, ex-cute those
Gun don't kill people, people kill people. If you disagree this, then you
should release all those murderer, because it's all guns' fault.
Best Regards,