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Roswell 'was plane full of alienlike children sent by Stalin'
A new book called "Area 51" suggests that the flying object that crashed at
Roswell wasn't full of aliens, but alienlike children. The flight was
allegedly intended to cause panic in the U.S.
by Chris Matyszczyk
| May 14, 2011 12:02 PM PDT 0 comments
Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947
I'm about to disappoint a few hardened alienists here, though I'm trying to
do it with the finest of intentions.
For I've just learned of a new book called "Area 51: An Uncensored History
of America's Top Secret Military Base." It offers a radically different
theory as to what happened that strange, stormy day in Roswell, N.M., in
Stories of the hush-hushedness of America's reaction have created legends
that will live forever. That these were aliens crash-landing into our lives
is, perhaps, the most beloved explanation of a strange phenomenon in all of
science fiction.
However, this book--written by Annie Jacobsen, a respected investigative
reporter--offers such a contrasting explanation for the Roswell mystery that
I suggest you clutch something solid right now.
For, according to the Telegraph, Jacobsen suggests that the flying object
that crashed was an earthly machine. She also reportedly suggests it was
sent by Stalin.
For myself, I have little affection for a man who locked my own parents up
in Siberian labor camps. I'm not even slightly moved by recent supposed
evidence that offers he was a manic depressive. Indeed, Jacobsen's Roswell
tale offers something that is so sick and twisted that it becomes entirely
Jacobsen says she had access to eyewitnesses and previously classified
documents. On this basis, she explains that Stalin wanted to create the kind
of panic in the USA that Orson Welles' radio adaptation of "War of the
Worlds" created when the innocent and naive first heard it.
He was inspired further when the Soviet Union captured a German fighter
called the Horton Ho 229. This plane was, so the book reportedly relates,
full of alienlike children, created in a eugenics experiment by a Nazi who
equalled the evil of Stalin himself, Joseph Mengele.
Stalin apparently believed he could send a plane full of these children--
created with the already-exiled Mengele's help--over to the U.S. in order to
create mass hysteria. However, the remotely piloted plane (which wasn't a
flying saucer) crashed.
The words of Jacbosen's book make for splendidly disturbing reading.
Speaking of the children, she writes that they were "unusually petite for
pilots, they appeared to be children. Each was under five feet tall...They
were grotesquely deformed, but each in the same manner as the others. They
had unusually large heads and abnormally shaped, oversize eyes."
Related links
• What happened in Roswell stays in Roswell
• Photos: UFO mania in Roswell
• Roswell rumor offers boon day for FBI Web site traffic
• Roswell watch: Time for the Truth?
Now, if cell phone cameras had been around in those days, you just know that
images of these alleged flying children would have immediately emerged. You
also just know that some would claim they were Photoshopped, while many
would be flying and driving toward Roswell in the hope of catching a glimpse
. The Weekly World News, or perhaps Fox, would have already claimed the
first interview.
It could be that this tale--reportedly based on a chat with an engineer who
worked for EG&G, a company that dealt with quite a few sensitive topics for
the government--happens to have some truth. In which case you might wonder
why, after all these years, the government hasn't just owned up and sold the
rights to Warner Bros.
At least we might be spared any more bad alien movies and comics. We might
also enjoy watching Brad Pitt utter the line to President George Clooney: "
These kids...they really are like that little guy from the movie 'Paul.'"
Topics: Media, Random Tags: Area 51, UFOs, Aliens, Annie Jacobsen, Roswell,
flying saucers
Chris Matyszczyk
Chris Matyszczyk is an award-winning creative director who advises major
corporations on content creation and marketing. He brings an irreverent,
sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice to the tech world.

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