Re: 芝加哥已经55人中枪人数不断增加中ZT (转载)
Re: 芝加哥已经55人中枪人数不断增加中ZT (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: THR (???), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 芝加哥已经55人中枪人数不断增加中ZT
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 6 15:55:42 2013, 美东)
The 2010 Census reveals that Chicago's black population is leaving -- to
Houston, to Dallas, to Atlanta and to the other black talent-magnet cities
of the 21st century. And in some cases, they're moving to the smaller cities
of the Deep South that were once points of origin for the Great Migration.
Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy and Otis Rush all came to Chicago from the Deep
South to make a name for themselves playing the blues, and in turn they gave
Chicago its reputation as a capital of black culture. Barack Obama followed
them when he chose Chicago to stake his claim in Democratic politics. These
days, however, the lands of opportunity lie elsewhere for more and more
African Americans.
While the sprawling Chicago metro area as a whole, which includes suburbs
and exurbs, grew by a healthy 4 percent over the last decade -- more than
New York or Los Angeles -- the black population was not only down in the
city proper, but also across the region.
The 2010 Census showed the city of Chicago lost 200,000 people over the last
decade. The city now has about as many people as it did in 1910. There are
181,000 fewer African Americans in the city, a whopping drop of 17 percent,
and 72,000 fewer in the region as a whole.
At the same time, an influx of Latinos, many of Mexican ancestry, presents a
notable counterweight to the black exodus. Latinos are increasing their
share of Chicago's population, and there are 25,000 more Latinos in the city
now than in 2000. And more and more, Latino immigrants are "skipping the
city" and heading straight to the suburbs, where jobs and cheap housing can