温家宝的女儿曾经在Credit SuisseZT (转载)
温家宝的女儿曾经在Credit SuisseZT (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: 温家宝的女儿曾经在Credit SuisseZT
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 19 11:53:30 2013, 美东)
It's sometimes overstated how influential such hires can be, bankers and
headhunters say.
When UBS Securities won a mandate to handle a more than $6 billion stock
offering by PetroChina in 2007, attention focused on the bank's earlier
hiring of the daughter of a top executive at the government-run oil and gas
In that case, UBS's investment banking division had no idea that the
PetroChina CFO's daughter had been hired as a graduate trainee in the fixed-
income division when they pitched for the deal, IFR magazine reported at the
time. UBS was then the leading Asian equities franchise and a natural
choice for the deal.
It's important to distinguish between well-connected junior hires who may
work at a bank for a short time, and similarly connected professionals who
go on to carve out a career for themselves in the financial industry.
"The industry is still a meritocracy and over the course of a few years, it
pretty readily separates the wheat from the chaff - so even if a 'connected'
person is hired, unless they perform, they too are shown the door," wrote
Russell Kopp, managing director at Correlate Search, in an email.
The list of prominent princeling bankers in China includes Bank of America's
Margaret Ren, the daughter-in-law of former Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang,
who has also worked at Bear Stearns, Citigroup and BNP Paribas. When Ren was
at Merrill Lynch, she shared the role of China investment banking chairman
with Wilson Feng, whose father in-law is Wu Bangguo, former chairman of the
National People's Congress. Feng left banking in 2009 to run an investment
Other high profile names include Credit Suisse's China investment banking
chairman Janice Hu, the granddaughter of former party chairman Hu Yaobang
and a veteran banker in her own right. Wen Ruchun, the daughter of former
premier Wen Jiabao, worked at Credit Suisse's Beijing branch for a year,
according to a document obtained by Reuters.
For many children of the Chinese elite who are hired by Wall Street banks,
it's their business school credentials as much as their family connections
that get them a foot in the door, according to a Hong Kong-based managing
director at a U.S. bank who is involved in hiring.
"These kids tend to be well educated. If Harvard Business School or Stanford
let these influential people in, and those schools are on the list of
places we tend to hire from, it's a natural process," said the banker.