你们别吵了,知己知彼都辩一下# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Jimmy Kimmel is a host beloved for his absurdist comedy that makes fun of
the stupidity of all kinds of people. Some of his previous programs have
shown people on the street being asked about things they know nothing about
and they will make up answers that are stupid. In the Kid's Table program,
his main idea was to show that US politicians are like little children in
maturity. He let little kids talk freely about the government shutdown and
the related debt issue in simplistic terms, and satirizes the inability of
politicians to solve complex problems, as well as their love of simplistic
solutions involving violence (kill people), xenophobia (build a wall so they
can't come), and ignorance (Great Wall was built 2000 years ago).
Jimmy Kimmel's program is aimed at adults at night time, when kids are not
watching. It is not a kid's show, and his program is the opposite of
promoting genocide and racism. Many of his statements are said with dripping
sarcasm, which, out of context, can be interpreted wrongly. However,
American audiences get the idea because this method is common in comedy, and
they won't find it plausible that what the kids said should be taken
seriously. ABC and Jimmy Kimmel have apologized for airing the show, removed
it from further airing. He was proactive in talking to protesters and even
cancelled the Kid's Table from further production. No other talk show host
will even go this far. He should be applauded for that.
For more than one hundred years, immigrants from China have come to the US
to work, to live, to start families. Many have been a part of the national
fabric for generations. Still many have parents and grandparents across the
ocean. They work hard, pay their dues, and contribute greatly to society,
whether during the Gold Rush and building the transcontinental railroad, or
today in graduate programs, Silicon Valley, finance, and the bio and oil
industries. Nevertheless, since their first arrival, their experience in the
country has been one of silent tragedy and resilience. In California and
Washington, they have been lynched in race riots and forbidden to testify in
court. They have been excluded and told to "go back to China" on the basis
of skin color and culture. All of these are forgotten, but the same bigotry
against them continue in the media in subtler ways.
It is in this context that we should take Jimmy Kimmel's program. In his
satire, he treated a kid's idea of killing everyone in China as a harmless
joke, without realizing the violent undertones in the country's conscience
in which even little kids think first of solving problems by killing the
scapegoat, is the same that led to actual killings a hundred years ago and
in hate crimes against newcomers today. What is more, the conversation went
far beyond that, as we see talk of the merits and feasibility of killing "
them," "the Chinese" as if they were not people, and certainly not "one of
us." Whether "the Chinese" technically referred to people in China or here,
the treatment of an entire group of people as dispensable is grossly
dehumanizing and disturbing, and the cavalier attitude that accompanies the
clip is a serious dereliction of duty for a program broadcast on national
television to the entire community. Jimmy Kimmel and ABC must admit the
magnitude of this error, and make a deep-reaching apology that shows this
understanding, and take positive steps to ensure it never happens again on
this or any other program.