这尼玛是典型的卖国了 (转载)
这尼玛是典型的卖国了 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: canghai (沧海), 信区: Military
标 题: 这尼玛是典型的卖国了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 23:37:00 2013, 美东)
During her two-year consulting stint, JPMorgan executives struck a series of
deals with Chinese companies closely affiliated with Ms. Wen and her family
. Like other big banks, JPMorgan held a stake in New Horizon Capital, a
private equity firm co-founded by her brother, Wen Yunsong.
JPMorgan also invested its clients’ money in Ping An and served as an
adviser to the giant company. Today, on behalf of clients, JPMorgan owns
nearly $1 billion worth of the company’s shares. At the time of JPMorgan’s
initial investment for clients, members of the Wen family held a large,
hidden stake in Ping An through a complex network of Chinese investment
vehicles, a stake that in 2007 was worth more than $2 billion, according to
corporate filings reviewed by The Times.
JPMorgan also won an assignment in 2009 to help underwrite an initial public
offering of BBMG, a large Chinese building materials company. BBMG’s
largest shareholders included New Horizon Capital, the private equity firm
of Ms. Wen’s brother, and Beijing Taihong, an investment vehicle controlled
by a longtime business associate of the Wen family. After the shares rose
after the company’s I.P.O., Ms. Wen became the largest shareholder in
Beijing Taihong, according to a filing.