美官员称2架美B-52轰炸机进入中国防空识别区# WaterWorld - 未名水世界


【在 h*d 的大作中提到】
: 新国际:【西方媒体称美国B-52轰炸机飞越中国防空识别区】法新社、美国《华尔
: 街日报》26日援引美国官员的话报道,两架美国B-52轰炸机从关岛起飞,华盛顿时间25
: 日晚间7时左右进入中国东海防空识别区。报道称,B-52没有装备武器,没有战机护航。

US bombers fly over China's controversial new air defense zone
Article by: CHRISTOPHER BODEEN , Associated Press
Updated: November 26, 2013 - 3:06 PM

WASHINGTON — Two U.S. B-52 bombers flew over disputed islands in the East
China Sea during a training mission Tuesday, defying new territorial claims
laid out by Beijing over the weekend, according to several U.S. officials.
The two unarmed bombers took off from Guam and were in the zone for less
than an hour, thundering across the Pacific skies during midday there, the
officials said, adding that the aircraft encountered no problems.
While the U.S. insisted the training mission was long-planned and was not in
reaction to China's latest declaration, it came just days after China
issued a map and a new set of rules governing the zone, which includes a
cluster of islands that are controlled by Japan but also claimed by Beijing.
China said on Saturday that all aircraft entering the new air defense zone
must notify Chinese authorities and are subject to emergency military
measures if they do not identify themselves or obey Beijing's orders. U.S.
officials, however, said they have received no reaction to the bomber
flights from the Chinese.
The bomber mission underscores Washington's immediate rejection of China's
new rules. The U.S., which has hundreds of military aircraft based in the
region, has said it has zero intention of complying. Japan likewise has
called the zone invalid, unenforceable and dangerous, while Taiwan and South
Korea, both close to the U.S., also rejected it.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not specifically comment Tuesday on
the military flights. But he told reporters traveling with Obama in Los
Angeles that, "It continues to be our view that the policy announced by the
Chinese over weekend is unnecessarily inflammatory and has a destabilizing
impact on the region."
The U.S. mission took place between about midnight Monday and 3 a.m. EST,
said the officials, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized
to speak publicly about the flights. The flights were first reported by the
Wall Street Journal.
China's move to further assert its territorial claims over the islands is
not expected to immediately spark confrontations with foreign aircraft.
Yet the move fits a pattern of putting teeth behind China's claims and could
potentially lead to dangerous encounters depending on how vigorously China
enforces it — and how cautious it is when intercepting aircraft from Japan,
the U.S. and other countries. While enforcement is expected to start slowly
, Beijing has a record of playing the long game, and analysts say they
anticipate a gradual scaling-up of activity.
The declaration seems to have flopped as a foreign policy gambit. Analysts
say Beijing may have miscalculated the forcefulness and speed with which its
neighbors rejected its demands.
At least in the short term, the move undermines Beijing's drive for regional
influence, said Bonnie Glaser, an Asia expert at the Center for Strategic
and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
"It doesn't serve Chinese interests to have tensions with so many neighbors
simultaneously," she said.
Denny Roy, a security expert at the East-West Center in Hawaii, said China's
enforcement will likely be mostly rhetorical at first.
"The Chinese can now start counting and reporting what they call Japanese
violations, while arguing that the Chinese side has shown great restraint by
not exercising what they will call China's right to shoot, and arguing
further that China cannot be so patient indefinitely," Roy said.
China also faces practical difficulties deriving from gaps in its air-to-air
refueling and early warning and control capabilities, presenting challenges
in both detecting foreign aircraft and keeping its planes in the air,
according to Greg Waldron, Asia Managing Editor at Flightglobal magazine in
Despite that, Beijing has shown no sign of backing down, just as it has
continued to aggressively enforce its island claims in the South China Sea
over the strong protests from its neighbors.
Tensions remain high with Tokyo over islands in the East China Sea called
Senkaku by Japan and Daioyu by China. Beijing was incensed by Japan's
September 2012 move to nationalize the chain, and Diaoyutai by Taiwan, which
also claims them.
Since then, Chinese and Japanese coast guard ships have regularly confronted
each other in surrounding waters. Japan further angered Beijing last month
by threatening to shoot down unmanned Chinese drones that Beijing says it
plans to send on surveillance missions over the islands.
Beijing's move was greeted rapturously by hardline Chinese nationalists,
underscoring Beijing's need to assuage the most vocal facet of domestic
public opinion. Strategically, it also serves to keep the island controversy
alive in service of Beijing's goal of forcing Tokyo to accept that the
islands are in dispute — a possible first step to joint administration or
unilateral Chinese control over them.
Beijing was also responding in kind to Japan's strict enforcement of its own
air defense zone in the East China Sea, said Dennis Blasko, an Asia analyst
at think tank CNA's China Security Affairs Group and a former Army attache
in Beijing.
The Japanese zone, in place since the 1960s, overlaps extensively with the
newly announced Chinese zone. Japan, which keeps a public record of all
foreign incursions into its zone, actually extended it westward by 22
kilometers (14 miles) in May.
Blasko and others say much still depends on China's plans for implementation
, but cite as a frightening precedent the 2001 collision between a U.S.
surveillance plane and an overly-aggressive Chinese fighter over the South
China Sea that killed the Chinese pilot and sparked a major diplomatic
June Teufel Dreyer, a China expert at the University of Miami, said she
would expect Beijing to pause until overseas criticisms die down, then
engineer a diplomatic incident by warning off Japanese military aircraft
without physically confronting them.
China further complicated matters by not consulting others on the protocols
it expects them to follow, or the rules of engagement for Chinese pilots,
said Ross Babbage, chair of Australia's Kokoda Foundation, a security think
"This is the kind of situation that clearly has the potential to escalate,"
Babbage said.

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: 混球时报?
: 25
: 航。


【在 h*d 的大作中提到】
: US bombers fly over China's controversial new air defense zone
: Article by: CHRISTOPHER BODEEN , Associated Press
: Updated: November 26, 2013 - 3:06 PM
: WASHINGTON — Two U.S. B-52 bombers flew over disputed islands in the East
: China Sea during a training mission Tuesday, defying new territorial claims
: laid out by Beijing over the weekend, according to several U.S. officials.
: The two unarmed bombers took off from Guam and were in the zone for less
: than an hour, thundering across the Pacific skies during midday there, the
: officials said, adding that the aircraft encountered no problems.
