What did Sundar Pichai do that got him promoted up to the highest ranks at Google?(转载)
What did Sundar Pichai do that got him promoted up to the highest ranks at Google?(转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Chris Beckmann's answer to:
Google: What did Sundar Pichai do, that his peers didn't do, that got him
promoted up to the highest ranks at Google?
When he started he reported to Marissa Mayer. In time he was promoted above
her. Now he reports directly to Larry Page as Senior Vice President of
Chrome, Android and Apps.
How did Sundar make the kind of impact that made him stand out above his
There are lots of people at Google who work hard. Did Sundar work harder
than his peers?
There are lots of people at Google who work smart. Did Sundar work smarter
than his peers? If so, what is his paradigm that is smarter?
There are lots of super smart people at Google. Is Sundar innately smarter
than them?
View All 9 Answers
Chris Beckmann, PM at Google (2007-2012)
Votes by Alon Amit, Former Google Group Product Manager, Harry Glaser,
Former Google PM, Leo Polovets, worked at Google (2005-2009), Kevin X Chang,
ex-Google, ex-YouTube, Jeremy Hoffman, Google software engineer (search
quality), and 826 more.
I never reported to Sundar or in his group, but many of my peers and friends
did. Besides being incredibly talented and hardworking like many of his
coworkers and peers, Sundar did a few things:
Foremost: he led successful efforts for difficult projects that were core to
Google's continued financial success, namely Toolbar and Chrome. Toolbar
wasn't an obviously sexy product but it helped defend the presence of Google
search on users' computers during a critical period following the
revelation of Google's incredible profitability. Chrome extended that
mission to improve the user experience of the entire web: keep users on the
web and you'll keep them searching on Google.
He recruited, mentored, and retained a great team. Sundar's team of product
managers had a reputation as being among the best of the best, similar to
the reputation of the software engineers within Search Quality.
He avoided making enemies. Google has politics like any other large company,
and Sundar navigated those politics to make his team successful while
inflicting the least possible damage on any other team.

Ankur Pansari
Ankur Pansari 3 votes (show)
I worked loosely with Sundar at Google circa 2006/2007. I can confirm (1)
and (2) and add that he is also just a great person to work with and
embodies a lot of Google's values. I learned so much from him and consider
him one of the best people I've had the pleasure of getting to work with.
UpvoteDownvote • Share • Report • Thu Feb 06 2014
Lewis Lin
Lewis Lin 2 votes (show)
I talked to a former Google colleague about Sundar over dinner, and he said
the exact same thing.
UpvoteDownvote • Share • Report • Wed Feb 05 2014
Jim Huinink
Jim Huinink
Number 3, friends and neighbours, is the key to your answer.