Supreme Court Ruling Regarding AA
Supreme Court Ruling Regarding AA# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
It is very interesting to read the Supreme Court's ruling regarding Michigan
States Affirmative Action. I am surprised that the Chinese community did
not mount agitated discussion about this ruling. I would personally agree
with Chief Justice John Roberts' opinion, “The way to stop discrimination
on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” I
truly believe that AA is a form of racial discrimination. For example,
higher education determines a nations future by cultivating its future
scientists, medical doctors, politicians, etc. which as a whole dictate the
future competitiveness of the nation. Accepting students into higher
education institutions based on race instead of their talent, motivation and
other important qualities is at the cost of diminishing the opportunity for
colleges to cultivate truly competent student to become successful
contributors to the future society. The consequence is the loss of
competitiveness of the whole nation at a time when competitiveness is
critical for the future well being of a nation. I had my suspicion when Bush
Jr. selected John Roberts, however, the two critical decisions that he made
regarding the Obama care and the Michigan AA ruling are very impressive.
People like Sotomayor may used her personal experiences as an evidence how
people like her may benefit from AA policies, never did she and the like of
her realize that those benefits are at the cost of other poeple who do not
look like her and continuous AA policy may eventually cost the future of
this nation.