加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)
加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加州一男性被他老公杀害
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 28 18:46:28 2014, 美东)
Man Found in Freezer Reportedly Killed By His Husband
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
Guess they had a frosty relationship.
A man found dead in the freezer of an abandoned Central California auto
shop was married to the man charged with killing him, authorities said.
Police identifiedThomas Kroger, 49, as the person discovered April 14 in
a chest freezer at The Shop Customs in Ceres, a small community located in
Stanislaus County about 100 miles east of San Francisco.
The Modesto Bee reported that authorities believe Kroger had been killed
between December and April 10, but the cause of death remains unknown
pending the outcome of autopsy reports. Investigators said they have yet to
find any of Kroger’s relatives, adding that he has lived in Modesto, San
Francisco, Oklahoma and Texas.
Jacob Cervantes, 26, was called in by detectives for an interview the
same day they found the body. He was arrested on suspicion of murder and
later pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in the Stanislaus County
Superior Court.
In an ironic twist, the suspected killer’s wife had no comment.
Cervantes signed his marriage license to Kroger, claiming no prior
spouses, but the newspaper cited public records showing he had a wife. She
declined to comment, as did Cervantes’ parents.