支那匪国男孩又当众大便啦!!!这次在国际航班上 (转载)
支那匪国男孩又当众大便啦!!!这次在国际航班上 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: noblesoul (高尚灵魂), 信区: Military
标 题: 支那匪国男孩又当众大便啦!!!这次在国际航班上
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 29 01:58:30 2014, 美东)
oh yeah, china, OK!
A Chinese family allowed their son to squat down and defecate in the cabin
aisle of a Delta Airlines flight from Beijing to Detroit in the US, leaving
other Chinese passengers onboard the flight shaking their heads in shame,
Sina News reports.
Wang, a passenger on the flight, revealed that a pair of grandparents and
parents paved newspapers on the aisle for the boy to pass a bowel movement
Passengers and flight attendants urged the family to take the kid to toilet
but the grandfather insisted on letting the boy settle there. The whole
plane reportedly began to smell, triggering discontent and complaints among
I’m still not quite sure what’s worse — the story, or the comments
section of that story. Sometimes I think I have trolls on this blog, but
they pale in comparison to the ones on this article.
Like this one:
Why complain so much of us Chinese? We Chinese own 1.3 trillion of your USA
debt so in truth we own you so shut your mouth. Guess what? We Chinese built
much of the plane too. I love the smell of good poo on good Chinese.
Or on the other extreme, this one:
I know you Chinese own a lot of money to US, money gained in centuries of
slave condition under Chinese and foreigner exploitation. The big part of
the world bears China only for money, otherwise Chinese are nothing, less
than animals…. great China!
Oh, the internet…