'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)
'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: dcb (奉钻风之命删除), 信区: GayStudy
标 题: 'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against Gay Marriage
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 3 22:25:13 2015, 美东)
Religious Right Pundit: 'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets
Against Gay Marriage
SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 6/30/2015 11:50 am
Writing in the far-right outlet BarbWire today, conservative pundit Sylvia
Thompson says that people are getting ready to take to the “streets in
civil disobedience” with “planned acts of resistance” just like during
the days of the Civil Rights Movement, but this time it will be the “
victims of homofascism” marching in “opposition to homosexual sham ‘
Most Americans, Thompson hopes, will not “bow to homofascism,” even as “
more and more Americans will be persecuted, prosecuted, and imprisoned as
this Court ruling goes into effect.”
“At some point, Americans being so treated will say ‘No’ and stop
responding out of fear,” Thompson writes. “All of America will then grasp
what homofascism truly means, as the Germans eventually grasped what Nazism
I posted an article at Renew America several months ago titled “The Coming
Criminalization of Christianity in America.” I suggested that the outcome
of the Supreme Court’s decision on homosexual “marriage” would be to
enshrine sodomy into American law and in so doing, would decree that all
Americans must bow to homofascism. As expected, they have done the
despicable deed. Now what?
Many, many so-called Christian leaders will, of course, do nothing other
than what they have done throughout the decades, and that is effectively
ignore the homosexual lobby and its lawlessness. Other so-called Christian
leaders are clearly apostate and have embraced that lawlessness, while
falsely claiming that God agrees with them. That is a despicable lie. God
does not agree, as Scripture clearly reveals. And then there are those
believing Christian leaders who will fight evil. They are the hope of this
nation, at least until Almighty God ultimately determines America’s fate.
Pastor William Owens (a black minister) of The Coalition for American Action
and Principles (CAAP), consisting of ministers of all races, has decided to
take a firm stand.
His organization will view the Court’s pernicious decision as equivalent to
previous Courts’ decisions against black Americans, who sought equal
treatment under law. That was the time when a black American minister Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his followers used the only tool available to
them against a gargantuan lawless court system. They took to the streets in
civil disobedience. Pastor Owens has announced that his organization will
consider doing the same to fight the current Court’s ruling against
In a similar vein, former high school coach Dave Daubenmire has formed a
large group of Christians called the Salt and Light Brigade, referencing
Christ’s call to believers to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5
planned acts of resistance to the lawlessness of this Supreme Court.
Bible Christians and the rest of the millions of Americans who made known
their staunch opposition to homosexual sham “marriages” through the ballot
box (in 31 states), can now stand with these brave men and others like them
who have fearlessly chosen to resist. We can declare boldly that we will
not be disenfranchised. Why should we allow disenfranchisement in America,
where so much blood has been spilled to guarantee us the right of conscience?

More and more Americans will be persecuted, prosecuted, and imprisoned as
this Court ruling goes into effect. It is certain to play out that way,
because eventually the persecuted will stop accepting lawless court rulings
that result in their bankruptcy and Naziesque brainwashing sessions (“
sensitivity training”) that are punishment for noncompliance with evil.
At some point, Americans being so treated will say “No” and stop
responding out of fear. All of America will then grasp what homofascism
truly means, as the Germans eventually grasped what Nazism meant.
With the organization and planning that Pastor Owens, Coach Daubenmire, and
groups like them will provide, victims of homofascism can now share a sense
that they are not alone. Organized Americans stand with them.
- See more at:
I read from the news that my state high court orders use of gender-neutral
language following the Supreme court ruling. However, soon I found I am
facing a dilemma.
Back in March, a racist guy said Michelle Obama resembles gorilla. In the
past, I would say,
A racist guy said Michelle Obama resembles gorilla. She does not.
If I follow the high court rules, I have to describe this thing as
A racist guy said Michelle Obama resembles gorilla. It does not.
If I follow the high court rules, I would be either agree with a racist or
be an LGBT hater.