me too....But I don't feel I am a loser :) 没融入不算啥,有accent也不算啥, 老外去了中国也不都能融入中国社会,说中文也有accent... 每个人都有情绪低落的时候,我也常常因为心情不好就暗自流泪。但是每天早上我都站 在镜子前告诉自己:"this is a new day"...hehehe...然后把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的 去上班。
Need to understand those jokes they made each other, the background could be a famous cartoon/movie that all of American watched when they were kids. Like we chinese people can make jokes based on some cartoons we have watched when we were kids.
I've been to US since I was 17. Now I watch UFC, wear affliction shirts, listen to hip hop just like all others. I spend holidays with my American family. After all these years, I've never thought I blended in. Every weekend, I still listen to old chinese pop songs. Have to fly to LA once a year just to have some 'real' chinese food. Don't look down to yourself.