刚才关于房价给朋友敲了一段英文# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Let's check some facts first:
"China now has one of the highest homeownership rates in the world"
-Joint Center for Housing Studies (July 2005)
Harvard University
"The big cities of Beijing and Shanghai have the largest rental markets,
with between 18% and 40% of residents in these cities being renters."
Yes, many residents in big cities of China don't have their own
apartments. But isn't it just the same as other international cities of
foreign countries. The difference is delusional Chinese 'elites' believe
they deserve a place in metropolis coz it's their unalienable right. And
they whine ceaselessly on the media they control. I'm not sure if owning
a house in big cities is a privilege or right. But I do know: while the
appalling news that Chinese house market has gone mad is being
circulated on this planet and people begin to worry if streets in China
are flooded with shivering homeless individuals, China enjoys the
highest homeownership in the world.
Monica, Adam, before you bitch about government's inability to get you a
place in Xiamen, and determine not to condescend to small cities, I have
two things to say:
1. Why do you think the house price in Xiamen or Shanghai should be any
lower than Newyork or Tokyo? I dare to claim it's more comfortable to
live in Xiamen than many cosmopolitan cities in western coutries. Big
cities in China have now been open to the world. You are in an
international competition. If you fail, accept it and don't complain
it's unfair.
2. There gotta be somebody doing jobs in small cities, or how our
homeland can be developed? I'd love to share this line with you:
ask not what your country can do for you
— ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy
so what? what is your point?
the problem is not that the price of estate is too high, but that too many
proportion of GDP in China are accounted for by real estate. It is
definitely unhealthy and do no good to our people!
Just take a look at how many percentage real estate can contribute to GDI
for Japan or U.S
every time i see some lines like this, i throw up a little in my mouth.
when lz can go back to china to clean the toilet or go teach kids in country
side, he can earn the right to those statements.